
Yayai! Sinetron Forevaaaa!!

Jam 2 pagi. Gw lagi ditengah jalan ngetik post yang seharusnya berjudul ‘What would it be? If I could have anything to eat right now’ sambil ganti-ganti channel TV. Guess that it’s the best time to write about food. Yeah!. Channel tivi yang satu nayangin film kingkong versi 76. Mungkin memang bukan versi terbaik, tapi […]


News Flash!

  Gw nulis di atas kasur. Ngantuk dan pengen tidur, mau nulis soal yang lain tapi belom dapet moodnya. Sambil liat MetroTV, tiba-tiba pengen aja nulis soal ini. Soal betapa ketinggalannya gw tentang apa yang terjadi di dunia ini. Hampir seharian ditempat tidur karena demam dan meriang akibat luka-luka akibat kecelakaan 2 hari sebelumnya, bikin […]


What would you tell yourself 10 years ago?

Another idea from dailypost, What would you tell yourself 10 years ago if you are given 5 minutes to do so? I admit I’m not so good at finding topic to post (I do envy Dian Retno with her wonderful posts in “Too Loud A Solitude”). 10 years ago, I was in my last year […]


How Long Do You Think You Could Go Without a Shower?

Interesting question and the answer is depend on when you ask it. Is it earling  morning or  evening the question is asked? If I’m asked in the morning and lets just assume I don’t have to go to work that day, I’ll just say 6 hours top! I will enjoy myself slothing in my bed […]


I Had an Accident

I had an accident tonight but I’m okay. Not Super Ok but I’m fine. A little black and blue in my face and scratches in the back of my hand and my thigh. The wounds sting a little bit. Got home at 9.00 pm from my office, what went over my had was that I had […]


Best Road Trip I’ve Ever Taken

Just joining daily post challenge and for today challenge as in the title. Best road trip I’ve ever taken. Well, since I had never have one before, I  mean road trip (according to Wikipedia, A road trip is a journey via automobile, sometimes unplanned or impromptu), I don’t really sure what to write. Duuh!! ~~.’   […]


The Accomplice of Capitalist Devil

It was an interesting day. I woke up 10 minutes past 10 am. Blew almost all my morning schedule. I planned to go swimming from 7 am until 10 am or so before i go to barber shop. Sweating all over since I use a very thick blanket woke me up. Dizzy, I couldn’t find […]


Happy Chapters

I’ll use english. It’s been five days since I was given the challenge. Already exceed the time limit. :'( The challenge is write down the happy chapters (or is it the happiest chapter?) in my life. Whatever it is I’ll write my happy chapters. When I was a little, what I can extracted from deep […]


Rumah Impian

Request #3. Gw diminta menuliskan soal rumah impian gw.  Lumayan gampang. Gw dibesarkan di keluarga kecil sederhana nan bahagia. Terdiri dari Bapak-Ibu-gw dan adik cewek. Gw tumbuh dan dibesarkan di rumah kos tiga kamar. Ruagan pertama dipakai sebagai ruang tamu yang dimodifikasi jadi ruang tamu-tidur, bukan ruang buat tamu tidur tapi ruang tamu yang ada tempat tidurnya. :D. […]


Tambal Ban

Gw make motor Revo, Keluaran tahun 2007. Warna kuning ngejreng! Kenapa gw pilih warna kuning? waktu itu alesannya cuman biar gw bisa mengenali motor gw seketika, in an instant, pas gw nyari di parkiran. Ga pernah bermaksud to be flashy. Tapi anehnya pas temen-temen kuliah gw tahu motor gw, mereka langsung bilang: “pancen koen banget […]

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