Blogging Things Fun

Blog English Club

Light Behind Dark Cloud
Good morning!
How are you my blogger friends? Been a while since the last time I did english post.
Last year couple of blogger friends came up with a very interesting idea, Mas Ryan, Nita and me then discussed about forming a Blog English Club. Mas Ryan posted about that in this BEC titled post. We think after my post about AFTA that was posted during my 31 Days Writing Challenge an idea about challenging ourself to post in English will be great for us to get our self used to in English writing and learn more about the languange as to prepare and improve ourself. 
Having said so, we then made a Line chat group and started to call the group Blog English Club which we plan to post a theme challenge in weekly basis. We then shall make a blogpost every friday with [English Friday] in the title answering the challenge for the week.
After some other bloggers expressed their interest, we then made a WhatsApp group for bloggers who interested to chat in English. Its been around two weeks we are chit chatting about almost anything and more than 12 bloggers joined. So then I guess it is time to announce our first ever Blog English Club challenge and the theme that shall be posted on Friday 9 January 2015 is drumroll:

What is your word for 2015?! 

Yes, word for 2015, what do you think yours is? For me it will be learn, or to learn. I will make more elaborated explanation about it later on. It can be food, hard work, honesty, faith or anything that can describe the year for you. Instead of resolution the word can be your theme for the year, anything you plan this year may (or may not) based on the spirit of the word.
Link your post here so that your post will be more visible and listed along with other post.
I will definitely use this as my learning space and hopefully many will learn together with us.
Have fun!
Blog English Club

155 tanggapan untuk “Blog English Club”

muantep cak bahasa inggrisane, aku yo kok ora pede mas lek bahasa inggrisan ngunu,,,,butuh sinau koyok ane,,hihihi mas Dani ancene sip markusip deh

hi admin,i have read your post about english club blogging and some kind like that and i’m interested to join your english club’s chat room.I wanted to practice my englsih and improve my writing skill thanks before

aku lho pak dani lulusan sastra inggris. malah ga pernah nulis post full english. udah lah cukup seharian full ngenggres di kantor. lidah jawaku udah belibet ga keruan. hihihihi.. etapi kalo boleh jadi editor soal grammarian rhapsody gimana? iya sini sok2 grammar Nazi gitu lhoh 😀 😀

iya..tau nggak sih mas dani, aku udah komen tapi kok muncul di postingan mas dani, eeee ternyata itu aku komen di tempat aku yg di reply sm mas dani, mau komen lagi di cerpennya mas dani tapi udah malu telat banget dan ketauan dudulnya ntar,hahahaha *deuuuh ini panjang amat ya komen 😀

o ya gw tuh inbox mas dani di FB lhooooo, malu mau nanya di WP ini *biasa gaptek 😀

Nope, you’re still on track. LOL, the track that shows how behind I am. Coming into 2015, I’ll try to post regularly. Writing is difficult for me, it takes me a long time to compose something worth reading. But hey, I just posted a new one. Thanks for the constant encouragement!!

Maaf baru balas. Seperti Mas Ryan bilang Bang, di postingannya beliau lengkap dijembrengin sampe sebulan. Di postingan ini ada tapi cuma buat tantangan tanggal 9 besok. Hehehe..
The challenge is what is your word for 2015? 😀

Santana. Hihihi. Kalo ikutan, bikin postingan sesuai tema tantangannya. Your word for 2015. Link back ke sini biar bisa direkam nantinya. 🙂 salam kenal juga mba puji. 🙂

Awhhh…. it’s started!!!
I don’t know why but my heart beats faster…. 0_o

[…] reading the blogpost about BEC (Blog English Club) on bang dani’s blog, I am very excited to join their club. So, I could learn how to write English properly. In […]

Well.. My English is very amburadul, you know Bang? Bruakakakakk.. 😀 Since I learn Japanese, errr, I can’t speak or write English in a good way. Thinking too much then stuck. 🙁 Forget about grammer, rules, bla bla bla. Got a headache.

[…] English Friday – saat ini saya bergabung dalam Blogger English Club yang dipelopori oleh Mas Dani, Mba Nita, dan Mba Ryan. Kalau ada yang mau bergabung langsung saja hubungi para founder ini ya. […]

Hi Mas Dani! Fiuh finally have a time to go blogwalking to your blog. Salam kenal! May the force be with our English practices from here on! 😀

Thank you very much Mba Eka! 🙂
As for the grammar, I can’t say much about it in the comments form. we are still looking for the form of the grammar learning style best suited for this kind of challenge. Maybe later on we will share about it in the recap post by the end of the month.
Many thanks again Mba Eka.. 🙂

[…] which I joined three days ago. If you wish to join this weekly post challenge, please check this post  […]

[…] My word for 2015 is bright. It represents everything that I hope for and a positive attitude on whatever new adventures this year will bring. I refuse to be conquered by my own fear, but I choose to embrace life to the max. Making new friends, adapting to surfers’ lifestyle, loving wombats and wallabies as well as starting my career from scratch. I am going to let God to do something great and that begins by me letting go of bitterness, guilt, grudges and making room for the beauty. How about you? […]

[…] Here I go again with an English post. Since I’ve joined in an online English club called Blog English Club (BEC), I’m challenged -along with the other members- to post in English every Friday with a theme given. The theme for this week is about how I describe my 2015 life will be in one word. What is your word for 2015?! […]

Huwa. Kalo bikin lagi saya belom tahu bisa dapet mentor lagi apa ngga. Saya lagi coba diskusikan kemungkinan nam ah member baru. Tapi sebelum itu bisa kok gabung klhb chitchat nya yang kita ngobrol pake bahasa Inggris juga. Mau joinkah?

[…] Oke…Let me tell you guys. I can sleep well last night. I thought bout my first english Friday post, all night looooong, zzzzzzzzzz. But, forget it! I’m ready to start […]

[…] Blog English Club is the club where bloggers share and study about English. Knowing I am not good in this complicated language, I came to the club. Poor me, I don’t know that by joining this club, I should accept its challenge. BEC gives us challeng that we should write an English post on Friday. BEC will give the theme and topic for the post. […]

[…] Actually my confidence just drop into the lowest level after I read some blog posts of my fellow BEC […]

hi Mas Dani,
salam kenal.
saya tahu blog mas dari beberapa posting blog yang saya baca. maaf nih, saya kurang update hehehe.
kepengen ikutan. tapi ternyata challenge-nya sudah mulai hari ini ya. dan sekarang pun sudah jam setengah 12 malam. ya ampyun gagal deh ikutan challenge pertama. 🙁
tapi saya tertarik mas untuk ikutan selanjutnya. I’ll send you my number through e-mail. please add me *puppy eyes* hehehe.
sukses selalu,

[…] Club (BEC). This is my first -late- post for English Friday Challenge. Today theme is about “What is your word for 2015?“. I think my word for 2015 is work hard. No, it doesn’t mean that I’m a […]

Hai, Mas Dani. Two thumbs up to you all for the awesome idea to start this blog and I would be very happy to join. Just a question for the club name: why ‘Blog English Club’ but not English Club Blog or English Blog Club or English blogger club *_^

Hai Mba Dwi, Many thanks. It will be great for you to join our English club. Answering your question why the name is Blog English Club, we just thought of it simple, we want to make english club and we met through blog.
Why Not English Club Blog cause the meaning would be a blog for an english club, and not English Blog Club the meaning would be a club for english blog which is not true since we are indonesian blog. 😀

however, BEC should be a great idea and spread it widely would be a must!
it might be a cliche question but i will ask, “how to join this club?”
do i only have to post the full-english themed writing every friday? or anything else?
can’t wait for this unique challenge

Same here. I wonder how can I join this club. I need to practice my english. Altough I understand what people said, it’s hard for me to express my idea in line or two. Yes, I’m passive. I want to practice mine so I can write fluently like you..

Hi Mba Yanet, thanks for your interest. We are trying to set up a new way so that learning will be more efficient. Hopefully on monday a registration form will be available here. 😀
Super thanks for your interest joining the club. Meanwhile you can also join the challenge 🙂

On Monday, we will try to add registration form Pak. So hopefully that you will be able to join the club. Meanwhile lets join the challenge. 😀
Thank you for your interest toward the group 🙂

It seems that I am too late to join with BEC…it is a year ago but I hope I stil can learn with the other blogger in BEC Duuh, bahasa inggrisnya sudah benar gak nehh 😀
Btw…salam kenal MAs Dani 🙂

Hi mas dani, salam kenal. I’m very interested to join your english club. I hope it’s not late to me. Could you tell me how to join?
Thank you so much

halo mas dani.saya sudah kirim email untuk join english club. masih bisa join??pleasseeeee

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