Jelly Translator (image from Doraemon Manga Wiki)
Fourth challenge of English Friday. If I were able to get my hands on Doraemon’s magic pocket, what tool would I grab? Definitely a Translation Konyaku/Translation Jelly.
It’s not such a fancy tool, not as fancy as the time machine or personality modifier chosen by Andik but it will fit just fine for me. There would be so many things I could do with this jelly.
Since there is no exact time limit how long this jelly works, I just assume it will work forever. That is how Nobita and Doraemon manage to travel to faraway lands and meet so many different creatures and nations and they just communicate freely, right?
What I want to do with this jelly? Of course, I will have a piece of it first. By understanding any language and ability to speak them out, I will do following things:
- Find someone rich enough to fund a research on the jelly and produce more of it.
- Distribute the jelly to world’s leaders so that they can understand each other without any hassle. Hopefully, this way there won’t be miscommunication anymore.
- Provide the Jelly to all scientist around the globe so that whatever they are doing could be sped up. Imagine how many cure to fatal diseases could be produced this way.
However, I won’t make the jelly available for the masses as it could cause lessen the beauty of this world. If everyone can understand each other easily then it will discourage people to learn. So I will just keep the jelly available for the above purpose.
This rather a short post since those above are the only things I really want from Doraemon’s pocket. How about you? What kind of tool you want to get from Doraemon’s magic pocket?
81 tanggapan untuk “[EF#4] Understand Them All”
If this jelly were made masses, I believe that there will be no more faculty of literature as well as language courses.
Indeed. That is why I wanted to keep it only for super important business. 😀
So this will be a secret research ya ehhehe
Of course, super top secret.
i can cut my daily-traffic-stress and my transportation budget! 😀
Doko demo doa. Why I didn’t pick this one is because I don’t want my bosses tell me “come to the office right away” hahaha.
huaahhahaaaa… klo utk dokter malah bagus banget yaa.. aku bisa stand by di rumah terus dan gak ngerasa bersalah..
Oiyaaa. Bener Nit. Untuk dokter bagus banget. Apalagi dokter ER ya.
Aku mau satu mas. Haha.
*suapin ade*
Bagi dong Mas Dani, biar lancar cas cis cus ngmong bahasa apa aja 😀
*kirimin sepotong*
wah ini ini ini… mirip kyk limitless… hahaha
kalo aku bakalan picik om, mass production, and then I will sell it at an expensive price. 😈
Wkwkwk. Ngerti apapun yg diomongin orang udah cukup mbah..
Hey I thought you’re supposed to get only one??
I get only one Mba Mikan. Just as the rule said. 😀
LOL. No multiplication please hahaha
I just want the door, Dan, so i can visit my parents and in laws whenever i want to without thinking about the budget…wkwkwkwk
Huahahahaha. Speaking of budget and all those people guess that I will change my pick to the door. Doko demo doaaaaa!!
mau juga mas, biar bisa ngecewes dan paham banyak bahasa heehehehe
Hihihihi. Saya potongin dikit ya. *trus kirim pake pintu kemana saja*
come to think of it, every single one of Doraemon’s tools should indeed need a limitation of use. the instantaneity would be too tempting for human.
Indeed. But when I Google it there’s no limitation on the jelly *my wish
Itu bisa translate bahasa hewan jg bang? *mikir keras*
Bisa Feeer bisa.
Wow. What a good intentions. Let’s hope that there is a way to make those points come true 🙂
And I don’t want if such good inventions fallen into wrong hands :huhu
Hahahaha. Thanks Bli Gara. Hihihi. Hopefully we can getv our hands on the jelly first. 😛
eat many of them
same with you. i need this thing!! 😀
toss kita Mba! 😀
potongin buat aku ya …..nyodorin piring
*udah habis* *pelit*
iiiih…kok diabisin….
Yamaap mak. Udah dimintain orang daritadi euy. *ngeles
tetep pundung krn ga disisain :p
Hiks. *ikutan sedih. *aposeeeeh
makin ke sini makin lanyah aja cas cis cusnya….
Hayuk ikutan mbakyuuu…
itu termasuk bisa mengerti bahasa kalbu, nggak?
Bisa Bang. Asalkan disampaikan dari hati ke hati *eaaaa
kalo bahasa alay, bisa dimengerti juga ga tuh?
Bisa dong bisaaa.
kulo purun tumbas sekarung nggih mas dani, biar bisa cas cis cus inggris hihihihi.. selain jelly tuh aku juga paling ngincer pintunya tuh, biar bisa kopdar kemana-mana gak pake mahal 😀
Hahahaha. Bener juga ya pintunya bisa buat modal kopdar. Ihik.
i prefer the magic door since it can make me travel anywhere I want. mainstream abis ya 😀
btw, mas paket bukunya sudah sampe, makasih banyak 😀
Wish if I had the door. Then I will deliver the book faster. Hihihi. 😀
Sama-sama Mbaa.
Hehe, I believe most (true, I cannot say all) scientists now speak/use the same language, English. This is because every research which they publish must be reviewed (anonimously) by other scientists as well which obviously are very likely not to speak the same mother tongue 😛 . Even though it is true that there are a number of countries which carry and publish their research in their own languages. However, even some of them also present/publish some parts of the research in English too to some degree 😉 . Once I found a very relevant article for my research written by someone working in Switzerland, and the excerpt was fully in German, lol 😆 .
thanks for the insight on your world Ko. Hahaha. Using this jelly there won’t be any translation needed. 😀
Aku mau pinjam mesin waktunya doraemon. Eh, punya kan mesin waktu si doraemon?
Ada kok ada mesin waktu, tapi sayangnya aturannya gak boleh mesin waktu ambilnya. 😀
I wish I have one pieces of that jelly
Hihihihi. Who doesn’t want this Jelly ya Kang? 😀
Hihi.. I think this jelly would be useful for new-mothers, to translate each of the undefinable-cries of the baby
Hahaha. Indeed. Newly parents will find it very useful! 😀
Wow… Appreciating much for the way you write, i mean in english. The first time i read you post with english.
Doremon pocket? If you have, i want it too 😀
It’s regular now. Every Friday I write in English and hopefully more of them! 😀 Thank you Mba Ina. Unfortunately I don’t have it. The pocket. 😀
Coincidentally, I just watched Stand By Me Doraemon yesterday. Karena aku bukan pembaca komik Doraemon, baru sadar ternyata banyak play of words. Kayak Dekisugi = terlalu bisa, dan translation jelly = honyaku konyaku. Lucu aja >,<
Iya memang Na. Bayak permainan katanya kok. Aku tahunya juga setelah diceritain ama senseiku. Hihihi..
Mulia sekali tujuanmu, Mas Dani.
Semoga didengar Doraemon 😉
Hahahaha. amiiiiin..
Indeed Dan, there’s a little beauty of being not cognizant of everything ^^
Aaaaaaa Oktiiii. You use a difficult word. I don’t understand. HaHhah
you can be a millionaire by selling this jelly
Ah! if only! 😛
Hmmm this is a unique tool mas Dani! Can I have one? This jelly is very useful to help me understand some bollywood movies… Hehehe *aca acaaaa
Sure, please get some. Hihihi. Aha. never thought about watching bollywood movie using translation jelly. It must be awesome! 😀
[…] Dani: […]
Mbenjang ndamel jelly ah, hihi
Hahahaha. Ga ngerti gimana balesnya yang sopan euy.
Kalo makan jelly ini gue akan menghubugi travel agent dan buat jadi translator turist2…mayan jalan2 gratis hahaha
kayanya kenyel2 alot enak gitu mas :9
Kalok rasanya enak, aku bakalan mau jadiin cemilan, Bang Dan. Wkwkwk 😛
Gak bisa beb. Mahal. Dikit pulak *pelit
Baiklah… baru mampir. hehehe
Baiklah… baru baca. hehehe *kemudian digampar ryan
Hahahahaha…. Jangan saling gampar. saling lempar duit aja gimana?
Gak punya sih kalo duit buat dilempar
Jadi lempar apa ya…
langsung mingkem mikir draft buat besok