English Fragment

Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English

With the title “Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English”,  you must already know that I want to promote Blog English Club from the title of this post right?  Hihihi.  *biggest grin* If you just started to learn English,  or decide that you want to improve your English skill especially in writings,  you should read this post (another marketing sentence).

Blog English Club just started earlier this year.  It still hasn’t reached its first year tho!  We had this learning chat group back then which was very active during Monday,  Wednesday and Friday.  What a lovely days.  Unfortunately, we had to close down the group due to admins’ unavailability.  But then we still continue our blog!

As I already put the link in the earlier part of this post,  I will just write it here again.  It is englishfriday.wordpress.com.  Now there are 5 people administering the blog and another person handling our twitter account.  They are Andik,  Nita and Me as the old ones and now we have Gara (pwgara.wordpress.com),  a travel blogger who writes deep and meaningful (of course a worth reading lengthy) posts and Vita (socalledvita.blogspot.com),  a Ph.D. candidate who is also my high-school friend and currently lives abroad to finish her doctoral program.

Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English

(1) You can get a review by our mentor and it’s totally free!

No, seriously, you don’t need to pay anything. Not even a dime!

Well, the free English learning material is everywhere and you can learn from them. However, with English Friday blog and our bi-weekly challenge, you can get a review if you submit your post answering the challenge. To me, it is something extraordinary!

Where else can you get your writing being reviewed by someone as close as a native speaker? We have several mentors living abroad and using English as part of their daily language offering their help to review submissions from you. And it is totally free!

You can learn from the review and improve your English skill. 😀

(2) We post our experience

Instead of only post material as a reference blog, we post our own experience learning English. This make you possible to relate to our posts in English Friday blog.

We learn English together there, since none of us is majoring English, we also experience relatively the same hurdle with you in learning English. We share the difficulties and the problems you have. So we pretty much understand what exactly you need to learn English.

(3) We are accepting suggestions

If you have anything in mind that you would like us to cover, just let us know. Send your suggestion!

We accept your ideas for our English Essentials, The Tidbits or even our bi-weekly challenges! This way, you can get a deeper understanding about a theme that you think you need to explore more.


So, even though we don’t have our learning WhatsApp chat again, we still have our blog and twitter account. Lets join our Blog English Club, follow our twitter and visit our English Friday Blog! 🙂

BLOG ENGLISH CLUB – connect, learn and having fun

twitter: @blogenglishclub

13 tanggapan untuk “Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English”

then ………………………………. how are u my ENGLISH post hihihhii
i’ve followed ur twitter account, but then….(don’t know what to post)
gosh! according to laziness of mine, seems i have to try and say hello again to my ENGLISH.
dear vocab please be kind (komen ngaco)

Wahaha..kmrn2 ga liat ada komen ini.. wkwk.. hrs kita jaga loh misteri siapa di balik twitter BEC ini xD

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