Perencanaan Keuangan

[MtM] It's (Not) All About The Money

This is my first note on BEC’s first meet-up last Saturday. We succesfully run the event with a very low budget and paid nothing for the major things. Can you believe it? I’m still amazed by the fact that we can have a meet-up with 50 participants with a well known speaker at really low cost.

Pray (photo courtesy of Mas Wirjawan)
Do you believe that everything in life is all about the money?
(Baca versi Bahasa Indonesia)
Pardon me for posting everything related to Blog English Club’s first meet up last Saturday for the next few days this week.
The first thing that I would like to write is how could we manage, held the event, for free. Some of our members asked us about this. That was the exact question that we asked ourselves before deciding to go with the first meet-up. We want to make it free, or at lowest possible cost.
First, communication wise, we try maximize chat applications available. We decided to use WhatsApp as our communication platform between admins (and up to date we still use it for the group). We discussed so many things back and forth. We even set Saturday night (often late at night) as our regular meeting schedule.
Further issues is how about documentation, poster to announce the event and also ticketing. We tried to find a way that we will represent BEC quite professionally yet without paying a dime. Luckily we found Piktochart to design invitation and Eventbrite to sell tickets. As for documentation our choice is Google  Docs as we already use it for BEC group administration. It’s quite powerful, with more than 100 members we can manage the data easily among the five of us.
Once we decided to go with the meet-up, we started to think how to get a great speaker to share his/her knowledge. Luckily Deva is quite active in twitter and she follows a numbers of well known and experienced people. She started mentioning them and asking their willingness to share their vas knowledge. Surprisingly, we got some responses. The first one confirming her availability was Miss Ollie founder of kutu-kutubuku.com and co-founder of nulisbuku.com.
Inspite of her vast knowledge and abundance experience, She willingly came as a speaker for free. Pro-bono.   Her reason was that she is very interested to know more about our community and it’s a good cause to improve bloggers’ English skill as it can help to represent Indonesia in Internet world.
We also receive other supports from various generous people, namely Millie Cakery that provided snacks for 50 people, get party.inc to provide us decoration for the venue thanks to Nita and Mr. Wawan who shared his deep knowledge on Internet Security and even we get a live streaming coverage from Idcaster. Thanks to Ryan for his extended circle of friends so that we can get so many things from live streaming to picture documentation.
Apparently you only need a good cause, sincere heart and the universe will conspire to help you to make it through.
The very important thing I learnt is to always have good faith on people and not to hesitate to help a good cause.
What do you think?

58 tanggapan untuk “[MtM] It's (Not) All About The Money”

I won’t be tired in saying congratulations on your first event. It really went well. Very well. With the streaming and stuff. And although I could only follow the last part of the second speaker afterwards, it somewhat made me felt like I was there, too.
Dan teteup, saya jadi mupeng banget kepingin ikutan event selanjutnya. I’m waiting for the next event.
Semoga kesuksesan ini menular pada pengelolaan grupnya, semoga BEC bisa berkembang jadi grup besar yang aktif berkontribusi bagi dunia per-blogging-an Indonesia bahasa gw yaolo… ups.
I’m looking forward to our next event very much… hopefully all of the members, admins, and mentors will be present at that event :hehe.

Mantap banget pak…. 😉 semua bisa gratis tis tis… 😉
Selamat ya ….semua berjalan sangat lancar….

Kalian keren Dan ^_^
Kmrn sempat ngliat foto2 kalian di FB-nya Ollie. Kliatan banget acaranya seru *mendadak mupeng*

sekali lagi selamat buat susah payah admins
aku bacanya sampai merinding.., nggak nyangka banget banyak yg bantu …,
berarti langkah kanan Dan, niat baik semuanya buat belajar jadi blogger yg lebih baik itu memang banyak yg simpati

i thought that i got tons of knowledge from the event, but when i read this behind the scene story, wow…there’s too many new things that i just knew, including the piktochart and other similar stuffs you guys used. Don’t stop to help a good cause 🙂

Kepengen ikutan BEC, ikutan challenge tiap Jumat, tapi kok masih ga berani nulis dalam bahasa Inggris ya?Hiks
Ah keren memang ini BEC dan para adminnya, Allah selalu bersama niat-niat baik, Mas Dani! 🙂

I think if many people share something good for free, the people who got the advantage also want to share again the experience with another people also for free. Hihihi. And I agree with you Mas, if we have a goodwill for many people, the universe will conspire with what we want to do. Many doors will open.
Hopefully all the admin never tired to arrange the next event, I smell something good on March from Mba Deva’s comment. I think the admin can ask from the member being volunteer for the next event. Thank you so much again n again dear all admin 😀

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