
New Day Has Come

I get this image from here

Today is my first day working at new place!

I woke up with full of anticipation today. May 23rd, 2011. The day where I will be working in new company finally arrived.

Of course it is totally different from the place where I had worked before. This new company where I’m working at the moment is a foreign company. So many culture shocks I had in a day. New rules and procedures that I have to comply with. People in it and of course language that is used in everyday conversation.

I don’t know, I thought that my english is good though I’ve never had myself in to any english course before but facing this new company and job that I have to do in the future, I shivered and my confidence drop into zero. I begin wondering how could I get hired by this company?! Oh My Lord..

Yeah of course I get hired because I applied before, got interviewed and they thought that I’m suitable for this company, but Oh My!

After read couple of archives I made up my mind, I’ll learn something! I should put some faith in myself. I can do this. Whatever comes my way, I’ll do well. Whatever that doesn’t kill me will make me stronger.

–Whatever that doesn’t kill me will make me stronger. I’ll learn something from everything.

Self note :

  1. My next post will be (hopefully) always in english
  2. Be more confident
  3. Write in daily basis (as I always wish for)
  4. Learn English as much as I can

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