English Fragment

No Regret

If I was asked what was my regret, I would say my major in college. I wish I had chosen art instead of Informatics Engineering. But now, my gratitude is even bigger than my regret. I’m living a wonderful life!

Gasp! It’s already Friday the second week after the last published challenge on English Friday #30 Your Plan Your Regret and I haven’t written my piece answering the  challenge!

Pardon me for my late submission.

If anyone asked me what was my regret maybe it was not following my heart choosing what major I took in college.  I just fell in what most high school students did at the time when it came to college admission test.  Put the highest passing grade major as the first option and put whatever you like as second option which was obviously had lower passing grade.  Then I (still as mainstream as it was)  took my most favorite major as a back up and it was Product Design which in it there was interior design courses.

I still don’t know whether it was a blessing or not I passed the admission test for my first option.  Informatics Engineering. A major I knew  a little only about if I may not say nothing.  😛

I bury deep down my love of sketching and designs,  well math as well anyway.  I put math as my second alternative.

Years gone by and here I am now.  With internet connection nowadays,  creative people have their opportunity as wide as internet can reach.  I am wondering what would it be if I had chosen Product Design major.  Maybe I wouldn’t be sitting 8 hours a day analyzing numbers in my spreadsheet (yeah I don’t even have a job in IT related field!).

But what I can tell you now is that even though the regret is there but it’s not as big as my feeling of being blessed by of how wonderful life I have now. I’m grateful for everything in my life now. Should I say I live no regret?

So,  what’s your regret?  😀

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29 tanggapan untuk “No Regret”

I found some similarities in your story with mine…
My major in college, which was informatics engineering, was not my interest. I was so into studying foreign cultures and languages and I always think that being a diplomat is so awesome and fun. So back then if I could choose I would like to choose international relation (hubungan international) as my major in college.
So I feel you.. But..
Did I regret my major in college? Yes. But do I still regret it nowadays? Nope. 🙂
Because in my current field of work, my basic IT knowledge I got from college is what helps a lot 🙂

That is totally true. The knowledge I learned from my college years really is helpful. I can use them in many ways other than being the one know more about computers compared to other people.


Hi Dani, so… you have passion for Product Design? can’t you do both: analyzing numbers in spreadsheet (as main work) and designing in your spare time (as freelance maybe)? wouldn’t it be nice to actually live up the (unfulfilled) dream 🙂

Unfortunately I don’t have as much interest as I used to. But still looking for the possibility to do an online course or the like and reading about it. 😀


I’m still thinking about how u can combine both.. Like..
I’ve heard that the man who created Sponge Bob was majoring in Marine Science.
And also, the man who’s famous for phdcomics.com was, yes, a PhD 😀 (from Stanford o_O ). (I think early this year there’s someone who asked u to create finance-related comics or something..?)
btw, Dan, aku juga ambil despro sebagai cadangan loh, hahaha… ga luluuuuus wkwkwk…

that personal finance comic is something I really want to make Vit. Hihihi..
Soal Despronya, gak lulus juga. Kurang kesungguhan hati sih waktu ikutan ujiannya… 😛


bales pake bahasa ibu pertiwi aja yeee :p lagi males buka kamus, lupa kalo sekarang udah jumat, jadi klo gak salah baca dan memahami dani awalnya merasa salah pilih jurusan sewaktu kuliah dulu ya, pengennya design produk karena suka gambar2, tapi malah ke teknik informasi, eh ternyata malah ini jalannya, jadi ahli IT dan blogger keren

Hahahahaha, sekarang sih gak ahli IT Mbak. Beneran sama sekali gak ahli. 😀
Bersyukur jalannya ke sini. Jadi tahu apa yang saya tahu sekarang ini 😀


same here mas, when in high school I took IPA when in college I took Economics and I’m working as technician 😐 there’s just nothing degree in common at all! and it start because I took wrong major in college back then. But with the life I have now there’s nothing to regret… I’m so glad i have lot of knowledge and experience that money can’t buy 🙂

buat waktu yg lumayan agak lama, gw menyesali wasting my precious time with a wrong person, tapi ya gitulah ya, akhirnya eike tobat kakaaak, karena sebetulnya memang ga ada yg perlu disesali ya, toh everything happens for a reason, yes? tsaaaah

Setelah aku masuk Statistik, baru aku sadar kalo aku salah masuk jurusan. Aslinya dari dulu aku pengen banget masuk jurusan Sastra Indonesia. Tapi aku merasa jiwaku lebih ke ITS daripada UNAIR haha.
Tapii yang aku paling sesalkan sampai saat ini, pas kuliah kakehan cangkruk karo dolanan truf selain terlalu sibuk ikut organisasi2. Aku lho pernah hampir kena skors kampus karena ikut demo di rektorat haha. Wes ngono potoku mlebu jawa pos sisan pas demo iku *dikliping karo ibukku :))) Masa2 ndableg *maklum biyen sok2 dadi aktivis

Hahahahahaha. Ya ampyuuuun Deeeen. Eh sampean angkatan tahun piro sih? Aku 2000, cuman aku iki tipe arek sik mueneng. Gak dhuwe konco dan neng kampus cuman lek perlu ae. Soale ngewangi ibukku dodolan nang omah. Ngantri minyak tanah, tuku beras lalalalilili… Hihihi..


Angkatan 99. Mangkane aku tau komen disalah satu postingnmu pas dirimu Bakti Kampus, aku dadi OC waktu iku. Iyo Dan, mbiyen koyokane aku ancene anak kos sing terlalu banyak waktu luang sampek cangkruk dan nggedabrus thok isine. Menyia2kan masa produktif. Tapi waktu iku alibine ikut organisasi untuk menjalin networking *bwuahaha networking huwopooo :)))) Ah aku terharu Dan karo dirimu. Berbakti ke keluarga.

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