
Hush! Jangan (ga) Ngomongin Warisan!

Well… Today’s session of CFP Training should be taken into deep thinking. Sesi pagi hari yang awalnya terasa memberikan semangat setelah sehari sebelumnya baru tidur jam 2 pagi, Debt Management, karena berasa menyentuh salah satu inti perencanaan keuangan pribadi ternyata tidak seberat yang gw kira. Setelah beberapa tahun bersentuhan dengan yang namanya kredit korporasi, Debt […]


Do Your Banking Online

Do your banking online. It’s a lot simpler! Gw baca kalimat itu dari salah satu blog yang kebetulan ngebuka di welcome screen Chrome gw.  Selama empat tahun kerja di bank, gw ngerasa sekarang ini hampir mustahil melakukan transaksi tanpa bantuan online banking system which what I mean online is the availability of banking service through […]


the 8th wonders

Post ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan program new 7 wonders of the world dan atau Komodo. 🙂 Gw baru aja gabung kelas CFP (Certified Financial Planner) dan dihari pertama kami belajar soal compound interest. Keajaiban dunia ke 8. Selama kerja di bank, sehari-hari gw emang berinteraksi dengan yang namanya compound interest. Perhitungan bunga tabungan, deposito […]


Berpisah dengan SRK

SRK, akhirnya kuucapkan selamat berpisah. It’s time for you to go. Sedih. Perasaan itu yang ada di pikiran gw berminggu-minggu. gw harus berpisah dengan teman yang udah mendampingi gw selama hampir 4 tahun. Dia yang menemani saat-saat gw sendiri, saat-saat gw sedih dan seneng, saat-saat gw kehujanan sendirian, kepanasan,  waktu masih jomblo, waktu ngeceng ke […]


(another) complaint

Weeellllll…  (eh btw gw capek ngomong nulis bahasa inggris euuy….) daripada ga nulis-nulis mending nulis dengan bahasa yang berasa enak aja waktu mau nulis ya… 😛 Lagi-lagi gw mau komplain. Ga penting-penting amat sih, tapi tetep aja komplain harus diajukan. Daripada diajukan ke yang punya produk pasti ga bakalan ada tindak lanjut nyata, ya udah deh […]


Terlindungi: in the office

Tidak ada kutipan karena ini adalah pos yang terlindung sandi.


Happy Life

that is the picture of me and my wife im living a happy life so many things to do together. discover new things about her and she discovers about me. learn life and how sailing this adventure of a lifetime together. alhamdulillaah. baitii jannatii. ive found myself a home for my heart. heaven on earth. […]


Removing My Facebook (so called) Friends

Can’t sleep tonight. 2.36 means I shouldn’t even try to get some sleep or there will be no Sahur. Doing something that I haven’t done for a while. Facebook news feed browsing. Get updated by couple of friends status updates. There one of my close friend says far away in Papua cried in her sleep […]


Debt! (Im not free yet)

I used to tought that I’m the kind of person who can manage my financial planning well but my current codition shows that I’m wrong. I’ll scrutinize one by one and the first one is my debt condition! Currently I have couple of debts and some of them are the highest possible interest bearing debts. […]


Being Married

I’ve been married for almost a month! I still feel that it’s unbelievable! Seeing me, myself as a married man. I always see other man, married man, as someone that has a very strong heart and mind, blessed with abundant wisdom and love to lead his family. Brave enough to take his lady’s hand over […]

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