Real Blogger Tag

I’ll just start this new page for listing my firends that I had actually met.

Following blog post from Nita a wordpress blog writer of JNYNita’s, I decided to make this one page. Purpose of the the post is to tag blogger that had met in real life or so we call the meeting a KopDar (Kopi Darat). Instead of making one page that specifically mentioning list of my blogger friends, I’m making this page. Why?

It is tiresome to write all of my friend’s blog since updates from bloggers in my reader can bring me around one hundred new blog posts every single day. So you can imagine how many of them  (while i’m such a lazy blogger). Moreover, I want no one being mislead by my friends list.

So insted of putting my friends list, I will give you list of bloggers who I already meet in person. People who are listed here, if you want to participate, make a blog post mentioning people you have met in person and update the post as the more people you meet. For me here they are:

  1. Metariza of Metariza (stories from Rasamala)
  2. Indah Kurniawaty of Lafamilledewijaya
  3. Novi of My Daily Thank You Note
  4. Yeye of Bemzkyyeye
  5. Pungky KD of Catatan Mama Hanif
  6. Erry Andriyati of Erry Andriyati (si Bibi Titi Teliti)
  7. Yani of Keluarga Qudsy
  8. Amel of Pagi2buta (Dunia Pagi)
  9. Okti Dian of Why So o Serious
  10. Dewi Puspa Sari of Dewi Puspa Sari
  11. Surya HP of Wong Kentir
  12. Ilham of Ilham Menulis
  13. Dewi of My Ongaku Dewi
  14. Phylolanta of Phylolanta
  15. Febryan Lukito of Ryanfile

Hopefully this will be a growing page and more people will be listed here.

You are free to join this real blogger tag. Hopefully by joining this, we can feel free to ask to our fellow blogger friend about some one who suspiciously using anonymous account and doing things that we’re not really sure of and what happened as in my post about scamming will never happened again, at least among us who already know each others in person.

Oh, one more thing, Nita have made these below badge for this real bloggers tag:

10 tanggapan untuk “Real Blogger Tag”

wuiiihhh… canggih nih mas dani, buanyak bener listnya.
sedih 🙁
coba kemaren mas dan bisa ikutan, kan jadinya namaku terpampang diatas situ, hehe..

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