
Removing My Facebook (so called) Friends

Can’t sleep tonight. 2.36 means I shouldn’t even try to get some sleep or there will be no Sahur.

Doing something that I haven’t done for a while. Facebook news feed browsing. Get updated by couple of friends status updates. There one of my close friend says far away in Papua cried in her sleep just as happened to me couple of days earlier. The other one somehow I see more and more in love with her life/job. One friend say hello and try to make an appointment with the other and others just like or commenting about something.

Quite fun actually. Browsing and find out updates from friends all around. But something quite irritates me.  Online shop (wanna be) that tagging my friends or at least my facebook friends. Not one or two, but every two to four news feed there’s an online shop (wanna be)  tagging! What an annoying post. I just want to know how my friends are doing, I don’t want to know about any of you selling something. If you do sell something I think that facebook already made up some pages for those who want to do online shopping. And, for me if any of those online shop owner want to sell something to me, I’D RATHER RECEIVE A PRIVATE MESSAGE from them informing that now they are selling their product online to me, rather than tag me as they like. If I like product/service they offer big chance that I will recommend it to my friends.

So, getting tired by those posts, I just open those online shop accounts that apparently was my former (facebook) friends or at least I knew their name, and I just click unfriend button. Voila! there you go annoyance from my account.

Sorry for you my friends that are going to do the same online shop scheme, most likely I will delete you. I don’t know, now I just want my facebook account filled with people that I really know though at first I just clicked accept for any incoming friend request. Here are categories for my unfriend button yes to click :

  1. I really don’t know you : means we don’t have any friend in commonor if we have the number of friend is less than 5 and I don’t really know our friends in common either.
  2. You use name that I really don’t understand, e.g your online shop or something like C4nTiQCh4y4nKAqyUuUuU. No second thought I’ll just unfriend you.
  3. You are tagging people in watches,blackberry, fabric or any kind of picture with price list and how to order caption. Definitely I’ll unfriend you.
  4. You tag me in a kind of picture as set in number 3.
  5. You post something using the kind of writing that takes me more than one time read to convince myself what you are writing unless I know you personally and you are a fun person from my personal experience.
  6. You unfriend me first, well, this way you do help me a favor. 😛
Well, for now only those categories above applied. I know, maybe this will make people think that I’m not a superstar and why should I act like one, but for me, opening facebook or my any other online account is like coming back home after long day work. I want my home clean.
Unfriend you on facebook doesn’t necessarily I don’t like you. I just don’t need the information your account bring into my home. I still consider you friend in real world.
many thanks. 🙂

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