Actually, this three things I will mention here are pretty simple things that you can do by yourself and hopefully, in the future, your will have a healthy financial life. This piece supposed to be published weeks ago. Yes, this is to answer BEC’s 16.3rd challenge. Pardon me for the late submission. No-no-no, coming and see a registered financial planner is not one of them. 😀
Since the challenge title was Three which asked the participant to tell about three simple things closest to them, I can not help but write about this. Simple things for your finance which suppose to be doable all by yourself.
So what are they?
The three simple things for your healthy financial life
Pay down your debt and bills first
Credit card debt shall go first!Well yes, pay your debt and bills first right after you put away what you should give to others from your money which the portion vary according to each religion that you believe. Right after that, no question that your credit card, mortgage, car payment, phone, electricity. Did I leave something? I mean everything that is compulsory. Things that you have to pay or else you will be in trouble.
Pretty straight forward right?
If you decided to postpone payment for those things and waited until all your other needs already fulfilled, be prepared to pay late charges and higher interest. Sometimes, the late charges and interest that you have to pay are too painful to pay. You enjoy nothing but the delayed time then you have to pay more money than you should have to. Those two will definitely make your compulsory payment even higher in the following month.
Read my post about the importance getting to know your credit card bill (in Indonesian).
Just pay your debt and bills first. Very simple and quite straightforward they are. Aren’t they? Really you don’t need to call a professional financial advisor for this.
Invest your money right away
Invest every penny you haveOk, the very first thing is quite straight forward right? You just pay what you owe. The second point I make here about investing for your future. Not something that you can see the result right away but you will glad to do it as early as possible.
The common mistake people think about investing is that they think whey will set aside some amount of money if they still have some at the end of the day. And so many times I hear my friends say this:
“I don’t have anything to spare, for my daily needs it is already left nothing. Let me see if there’s anything left then I’ll start to invest”, some friends of mine.
Do you have the same problem or do you not?
If you happen to have the same problem, try to invest right away after you pay your debt. I use two methods of investment. Wehenver I receive my salary payment and done with all the compulsory and obligatory payment, I put some money to my investment account using auto debet from one of my banks and internet banking from the another. You can read my post about reasons investing in stock market which I wrote in Indonesian.
That way, I don’t have to worry to have nothing left in the end of the month without any investment or saving. Then I can use the money left on my account for anything I want.
Use mobile and internet banking
Stock MarketLast but not least. User your mobile banking and internet banking to make your life easier.
Yes, I love using both facilities for my daily transaction. It saves me time, my valuable time and enable me to do transaction as soon as I need it. It is free anyway.
If you still have some worries to use mobile banking, ask yourself what are they and try to consult with your banker. Confirm your concerns and start to use it. Why I suggest to use mobile and internet banking? It is only because you can use it absolutely anytime anywhere as long as you can get internet connection.
This two free feature from your bank account will come in handy when you forgot to pay something on the deadline day or maybe at some point getting caught in an emergency situation which require you to pay from your account immediately. You can do the transactions you need as immediately as possible.
Moreover, with mobile banking I only need to go to ATM when I need cash. I wrote once about why you should e-banking in Indonesian.
By doing all three, hopefully you canget a healthy financial life. 😀
31 tanggapan untuk “Three Simple Things for Your Healthy Financial Life”
saya suka dengan mobile dan internet banking nya. semua nya bisa efisien dan kita bisa konsentrasi di pekerjaan kita ya. sayang nya e-banking masih ribet. ato saya aja yang ndak ngeh ya mengakalinya … 😀
e-banking di Jepang yang masih ribet menurut saya. ndak simpel dan banyak hurup kanji nya.
kalo di Indonesia dulu sudah pake buat bayar pulsa (masih mahasiswa blom ada tagihan air dan listrik :))
Haish. Gak iso mbayangke gimana itu bahasa ebanking di kanji in Om. Hahaha. Kaguum sama dirimu, pasti pinter Bahasa Jepang ya? *haiyah Daaaan! *dijejelin kamus
Saya ndak pandai berkanji kanji. Apalagi kalo dah urusan banking gitu. 😀 Pusiing.
Tapi kalo Banker seperti mas Dani pasti cepat mengerti…
Jiaaaah. Yang saya tahu cuman kanjinya emas buat gambarin hari Jum’at kalo yang berhubungan sama duit Om. Hahaha.
Wah kanji yang berhubungan dengan uang itu pentiiing!
emang internet banking itu sangat practical ya…
setuju, nomor 1 emang sebisa mungkin harus terhindar dari hutang2. karena bunga nya itu lho mencekik leher…
Bener Ko soal internet banking. Sangat-sangat practical. Memudahkan untuk apapun dan kapanpun.
Kalo soal hutang mah emang ya Ko. Kalopun ada cepet-cepet aja deh dilunasin.
Udah bener sih kurangnya 1. Investasi..
Hihihi. Hayik atuh mulai…
gue juga demen banget deh ama teknologi inet banking en mobile banking..memudahkan sekali menurut gue..sambil tidur2an bisa transfer atau bayar ini itu tinggal pencat pencet doang 😀
Bahkan transfer bayar villa pun bisa ya Bu lewat sistem rtgs yaaa. Ihirrr..
Nomor 3 ada godaannya.. jadi sering onlineshop an -_-
Gakpapa Mbak Online Shop-an. Yang penting hutang, kebutuhan pokok dan investasinya sudah. 😀
Internet banking emang juaraaa.. Gue suka banget sistem internet banking di Swedia karena bener2 manjain penggunanya. Sekarang malah ada sistem SWISH yang buat transfer ke orang lain cuma modal no hp-nya aja. Nanti sebelum confirm ada keterangan nama penerima dll dan pake sistem passcode yang setting awalnya ribet tapi pas penggunaan gampang banget. Kalo kayak SWISH yang gue sebut tadi udah ada belum ya Dan di Indonesia?
Ada Be di sini rekening ponsel. Jadi mau transfernpake nomor telepon. Cuman gwnya belom make. Hiks. Kudu segera nyobain deh gw.
aha.. wah asik juga kalo udah ada. Kalo untuk transfer ke orang2 terdeket jadi gampang.
Iya Be. Memang jadi gampang urusan ya dengan teknologi. Harusnya sih bisa bikin hidup lebih lancar urusan ya,. 😀
Aku masih katro mau pakai mobile banking nih. Kurang percaya sama perlindungan di mobilephone 🙁 Padahal lebih cepat daripada sistim internet banking..Terimakasih atas artikelnya, benar-benar bermanfaat dan inspiratif 🙂
Makasih banyak Mbak Indah. Maaf baru bales. Baru beres migrasi.. 😀
Saya percaya-percaya aja sama sistem mobile banking karena kalo ngomongin exploitasi orang-orang yang emang niat jahat pasti ada aja caranya meskipun seaman apapun. Patokan saya pokoknya bisa komplain ke banknya kalo ada unauthorized transactionnnya 😀 Hehehhe..
Klo saya masih nggak berani make internet banking via peralatan electronik. Sedikit saka kelalaian ntar bakalan di hack orang, masih takut ha ha ha…..
Kalau sampai dihack orang bisa komplain ke banknya Om. Jadi nyantai aja. Asalkan ya itu, jangan pakenya di internet dan kalopun di internet jangan lupa hapusin cache ama history dan jangan save password. 😀
Nah, setuju banget sama ketiga hal di atas.
Terima sms banking, tujuan pertama langsung bayar cicilan ini itu. Telat dikit aja bayar, hikz dendanya itu loh bikin kesel.
Kalo aku pake mobile banking, sangat amat membantu! Duduk, tiduran, ato sambil kayang semua kayak simsalabim deh sama mobile banking hahahah
Iya kan Mbak Ranny? Emang membantu banget si mobile banking. Mihihi…
Btw kalo saya belom bisa sih sambil kayang transaksinya 😀
Get ready to invest ASAP!
Siaaaap, Daniii…. siaaaappp!!
Ahahahaha,, Siyaaappp Mbakyuu!! 😀
Kalo gw lebih suka mobile banking, praktis dan cepat ngak pake antri
Kalo invest jangan ke kartu kredit ntar pusing, kebanyakan orang kantoran yg baru mletek itu terjerat utang kartu kredit buat gaya hidup. Bebas kan hutang itu baru hidup tenang hahaha
Hahahaha. Iya Ooom… Investasi itu jangan ke kartu kredit! Bener banget deh itu nasehatnya! 😀
Wow, I didn’t know that you also blog in English!
Agree … Free of (consumer, i.e. credit card) debt is the key 😉
Mobile banking dan internet banking memang membuat hidup lebih praktis ya. Semoga semua bank akan punya. Karena belum semua menerapkan..setauku ya..
Iya Mbak. Bangetttt… Dua hal yang bikin hidup jadi jauhhh lebih mudah. Amiiin… Semoga semua bank segera menggunakan dua fitur ini. 😀