English Rants

Unbelievably Brave Jakarta (and Indonesia) That I Love

This is what I feel a day after what happened in Sarinah. We are going to be alright

Looking at today’s condition, I can say that I live in unbelievably Brave Jakarta. I was so stupid to fell in fear and terror and became one of those who helped the terrorist spreading fear. I forwarded some messages and didn’t even try to seek for some kind of confirmation. But then I realized that it wasn’t wise and stopped to spread the unconfirmed news. It was as bad as spreading the victim’s pictures.

But thanks to our police force who was bravely countering the attack. It was a terrible event and I’m sorry for the victims family for their loss. May their soul rest in peace.


When I scrolled my social media accounts I was amazed by how people react. They do feel sorry, sad and mad for the event but they didn’t lose in panic and fear. People giving support and try to encourage others to inform positive news instead of spreading unconfirmed bad news which would frighten people more.

#ImSafe #SafetyCheckJakarta and other hashtags spreading faster than the bad news.

Again, thanks to our police squad I can go home at around the same time as any other regular day with a lot less fear.

Jakarta Traffic

Today, everything seems back to normal. I can find traffic jam here and there and everything run as usual. Business as usual. To add the good news, ladies in my office today are so busy talking about the handsome police officer with its #kamiNaksir hashtag.

So yes, seeing how today runs until this very minute, I can feel that we are Jakarta people are not afraid of the terrorist. We love the city and we love Indonesia. People spreading positive energy everywhere. This is our city, this is our country that we love, that I love. We are going to be alright.

We are going to be alright.

22 tanggapan untuk “Unbelievably Brave Jakarta (and Indonesia) That I Love”

Agreed! I really did not expect Jakartans to be this tough. We were a bit panic at first but everyone seemed to be able to calm down really soon, even changed the topic to the handsome officers. Hahaha.
It was indeed terrible, and my biggest condolescence for the victims and their family 🙁
One thing we all should learn is not to get panic easily and always recheck the rumours. We may be afraid, but we ought to keep fighting and unite!

Indeed Nad. It was so hard to hold my brain not to spread the unconfirmed news. 🙁
I learned about it now Nad. Hopefully won’t do the same mistake again.


Aku merasakan persis yang kamu rasakan Dan (walopun ga lagi di Jakarta)
Takut, khawatir, sampai nyebar2 berita “katanya temen” yg belum tentu benar.
Trus agak lama dikit baru nyadar dan ngerem. Lebih milih diam dan nyimak perkembangan berita dr sumber terpercaya saja.

Btw, polisi kita memang keren ya. Sigap dan tangkas. Tapi sayangnya ada saja yang curiga kenapa polisi bisa datang cepat. Sama seperti kecurigaan pd abang ojek yg menyelamatkan satu korban dan ditudh cari kesempatan promosi perusahaan #Duh

Iya Mbak Dian. Dari kejadian ini baru tahu gimana respon saya menghadapi kepanikan. Semoga lain kali saya gak gampang kepancing. Nyesel bener deh kemarin itu. 🙁
Kalo untuk kecurigaan itu ampun dah. Itu si abang gojek kagak mikirin juga kali ya mau nolongin. Sampe bete sama pandangan skeptis orang-orang deh.


Everyone takes part in their role to fight against terrorism. One of the simplest action is, indeed, not help the terrorist spreads the terror, because that is exactly what they want 🙂 . It is scary, it is sad, but we should not resort to fear and just let them “win” 🙂 .

walau bingung antar konyol atau berani, suka nonton masih nggak ilang
sebagian berusaha jadi jurnalis warga.. dan syukurnya banyak polisi yang berada di sekitar karena abis acara di monas,

#kayaknya ada yang salah pilih waktu

Iya Mbak Monda, syukurlah ya Polisi sedang ada acara di deket sana. Kecepatan polisi datang pun sempat dinyinyirin sebagian pihak karena kok bisa reaksi mereka secepat itu, padahal kalo lambat reaksi dihujat juga.

Kalo soal yang nonton itumah ampun deh beneran…


Unbelievably brave bener banget Mas, terutama yang pada nonton dan jualan ke sana di saat orang-orang di dalam gedung sekitar sarinah sedang terkurung gbs keluar untuk alasan keamanan. Hehe. Mungkin setelah ini kita semua jadi lebih tangguh menghadapi hal2 semacam ini. Teruatama lebih bijak merespons berita yang belum pasti.

Sekarang terror lagi mendunia dan bahkan di negara yg aman dengan intelijen canggih pun masih bisa kejadian. Saat ini Burkina Faso yang diteror, persis setelah Jakarta. Dan sebelum Jakarta, teror di Istanbul..Salut untuk penduduk Jakarta dapat menanggapi teror ini dengan positif 🙂

Semoga kedamaian ada di seluruh bumi ya Mbak Indah. Orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab itu bener-bener tidak punya hati. Salut sama keberanian orang-orang Jakarta memang Mbak. 🙂


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