
Writing101 Day#3 Three Most Important Songs in My Life

I missed Day#2 of the Writing101, but this is my answer for the third prompt. My three most important songs. Just The Way You Are, Twinkle-Twinkle Little Stars and Desaku yang Kucinta. What are yours?

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Day 3 of the Writing 101 is about three most important songs in my life.
A very exciting prompt. I intended to write the day 2 challenge first but then I had to take care my kid. So just be it, will write it after this one. 😛
The three most important songs in my life and why I choose those songs are:
1. Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars
I’ve written about this song before. This song is very important to me since this was the very first song that I sang for my wife-to-be that now I’m happily married.
I even uploaded my voice singing the song. Curious enough? just open this post.
2.Twinkle-Twinkle Little Stars
Why this song is important to me? I sing this song to my son. This is the first song in English that I can sing for him. Why so? I learned about this song in my junior high school and still remember every word of it. In a matter of fact, this is the very first English song that I learned.
Now we sing it together when we have to go through a crazy Jakarta night traffic right after I pick him up from the daycare.
3. Desaku yang Kucinta
This is an Indonesian song that I learned during my elementary school. This song tells a story about the village where the singer is coming from. How beautiful the village is and wherever and how wonderful other places are, the village will always be on his/her mind since there his/her parents, relatives and family are.
I always shed tears when singing this song heartily.
This is the video of the song.
My other posts for Writing 101:
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36 tanggapan untuk “Writing101 Day#3 Three Most Important Songs in My Life”

Desaku yang Kucinta is absolutely a big yes from me :)). I first learned the song at 3rd grade, too, and when singing it, I kind of remember a village with a panorama of two mountains and the sun was rising from between, just like my drawing at that time would be. Ah, it’s still so vivid now. I miss my hometown!

Ga pernah kepikiran siih tentang 3 most important songs.. kalo harus mikir keknya mentok di lagu Ambilkan bulan ama Tanah Airku…
Tapi emang lagu2 daerah macam desaku itu kudu dikenalin ama anak2 jaman sekrg.. kebanyakan emang jarang banget ngenal lagu daerah n nasional, ga kayak kita dl.. cucok tuh diajarin ke A.. 😉

twinkle2 little star favoritnya Radit…hihihi ampe tiap malem sebelum tidur, pasti nyanyiin lagu itu mulu…meskipun kurang jelas ngomongnya 😀

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