Spending nights with Ayah was not as much fun as with Bunda. She is now away out of town to do something great. Though I know and understand that already, but still, Ayah can never give me comfort as Bunda always can. But then morning comes. One of the moments I love to spend with Ayah. Co-piloting him. For him, it’s driving with toddler time 😀
Well, not co-piloting as you may imagine in an airplane. It’s just my old man driving his car and me sitting behind him. On a car seat that they always force me to. But then I find it enjoyable. Well, mostly if I’m not too thirsty and craving to be hugged by Bunda. Back to co-piloting Ayah. I love to do it in the morning. This morning was the second time only me and him having the adventure from home to my school.
You call it school the place than you can play with your friends right? I love school. There are so many toys there. Friends my age. Spacious place and delicious food.
Usually it is the three of us but as I told you earlier Bunda is doing something great for this week so it leaves only me and Ayah for this whole week. We always go through very big road with so many vehicle passing by. I get to see real life trucks, bus, cars in every shape and size and colors.
Oooh ooh.. Did I tell you that I love playing with cars? Most of my toys are cars and trucks and bus. I often see blue and red trucks. Ayah told me that trucks are painted those colors to make them easier to be seen from a far. Other than cars, I also love to see the sun rises in the morning.
The shops that are still closed and people start their activity in the morning. I can’t wait to be bigger so that I can have Ayah get me to school with those uniforms. But I don’t know now whether I will like uniform or not. As for Ayah, he always looks so serious and I don’t know what was in his mind. But he often talks to me while driving.
Co-Piloting AyahSometimes he puts special rear view mirror only just to see me. He did that first time when we drive only the two of us. But today he forgot to put it on. Apparently he couldn’t find the mirror after I play with it. But he rather a clever old man. He used his cell phone’s camera that he usually uses for navigation or plays videos for me. He took a flash snap when I didn’t realize it. Its with Ayah serious face in it.
Ba ba! I will write again sometimes.
love this. Banget.Tadi pagi barusan ngeliatin Gama dalam posisi yang sama, dia ngeliat dengan semangat ke kiri dan kanan. Di saat galau karena sebelumnya di grup pada ngomongin kasihan bgt bawa krucils tiap hari ke daycare di perjalanan. Yes Aaqil, it’s a school when you have lots of friends anf when it’s fun.So keep that in your mind, this early in the morning and afternoon journey through macetos and rain are fun because we do it with our loved ones.
So truuueeeee!!! One of the best part of my days is when all of us commuting through macetos.
Baginda Ratu
Berapa lama sih, perjalanan dari rumah ke daycare, Dan? Haduh, kebayaangg kalo sampe Aaqil rewel, pilotnya pasti kelabakan.. 😆
errr.. kalo lancar sih sejam Mba Fit. Hihihi. Semoga bakalan anteng terus sih. 😀
Aaqil ganteng banget yaaaa, kaya bulay!
Ahahaha… makasih Tante Litaa… 🙂
cuteeeeee… ^^
thank youuuu. =(^^)=
Aaqil lucu banget Dan…
kebayang betapa repotnya ngurus Aaqil sendirian while Bul ga ada…tetep semangaaaaaatttt kakkkkaaaa….. 😀
Ga terlalu repot kok. soalnya dibantuin ama YangTi dan YangKung. Hihihihihi. *mantu gatau aturan*
aaqil, u can stay with me until your bunda come. my abi is out of town so I practically have no one to take care of for almost a week. so let you ayah stay at home with yangkung and yangti, qeqeqeqe…..
*keeepin Aaqil*
Haish typooooo!!! *kekepin maksudnya*
iya aku juga typo tadi. maksudnya your father, buka you father 😆
I love this post.. Dan aaqil tambah ganteng aja
Thank you Tanteee… 😀
bunda jauh di mata dekat di hati
jempol buat aaqil n ayah…
miss u both already jagoans bunda
xoxo *billions times
Udah lama ga liat foto aaqil, tau2 uda gede ajaaaa.
Iya Mba Nov, kadang suka kaget sendiri lihat anak udah gede aja.. 😛
Aaqil ganteng banget mas, pinjeeeemmmmmm hahaha
Hahahaha.. Makasih Tanteee.. 😀
cepet banget gede nya Dan.. perasaan baru kemaren liat fotonya masih merah gitu..
Iya Mas. saya juga ngerasa gitu. Huehehehe
Boleh di foto copy ga aaqil nya ? Pengen punyaaaa…..
Hihihi. Mesin fotocopynya belum ada yang secanggih itu sayangnyaa.. 😀
gak ada mama, papa pun jadi lah aaqil… hahaha
Hahahaha… berasa akar deh.. 😛
Ini pilot yang serba bisa. Pilot yang merangkap kerjaannya FA ya 🙂
Ahahahaha. ngga Oom, cuma jadi tukang ketik doang kok sayah..
wee ayah hebat :p, aaqil umur berapa sih dan.. aku pingin juga masukin daycare cuma masih banyak pertimbangan :p
Aaqil sekarang umur 17 bulan. Masuk ke daycare dari umur 2 bulanan gitu sih. Hehehe
boys time dooonk. Asiiiiik.. no cerewet2 bunda. Hihhihi
Justru ga asik ga ada Bundanya.. 😀
bundaaa cepat kembaliiiiii. Hihi
Baik-baik ya Nak..jangan rewel. Ntar klo rewel, Ayah stres hahahaha…have fun Bang berduet maut sama Aqil 😀
Makasih Devaaa.. 😀
pilot serba bisa nih 🙂
Ga bisa bikin Aaqil langsung tidur lagi kalo kebangun pas malem sih Mba Lid.. 😀
Aaqil ganteeeeeng.. 😀
Makasih Be. Emang kayak bapaknya kok. *lahsiapaaayangbilaaang*
wow…. that’s awesome moments Mas Dani…. Love to see it. 🙂
Jadi kebayang nanti klo gue sdh punya dede 😀
Thank you… 😀
It will be awesome moment between you and your baby pastinyah.. 😀
XD… hehehe yeah sure it will be.
Aaqil ganteng banget Dan
Nice story, mas… Anaknya luucuu…..
Salam kenal dari keluarga Hussein 🙂
Bonding time antara daddy and son ya mas? Hehehe. Setuju sama yang lain, Aaqilnya ganteng banget.. 🙂
Ni Made Sri Andani
Adduuhh gantengnya Aaqil. lhat tuh caranya memandang kaya orang udah gede ya..
BTW – minggu lalu saya baru dari Surabaya Dan… Puanasnya rek..
Bang Aswi
Senang pastinya seorang anak bisa jalan-jalan bersama ayahnya. Dan, anaknya narsis pula saat tahu dirinya akan difoto hehehe ^_^
wes gedhe yo…. tolho tolho gtu….
mmmhhh, tiba2 kelingan pelm daddy day care.
Sukaaa banget sama posenya Aaqil… 😀
Aqil hebat, ayahnya juga. Seneng deh makin banyak ayah hebat di dunia ini. Menurut cerita anak justru lebih mau bekerja sama (controlable, opo sih istilahe) kalau bunda nya lg g ada Mas. Terbukti sih sama anakku pas kutinggal 5 hari. Aman dan damai itu ayah dan anak *no bunda cerewet*
Ganteng aaqil nya, mirip bapak nya atau ibu nya ?? Kalo ganteng mirip bapak nya yaa hehe
Mirip Ibunya Mas. Ibunya cantik anaknya ganteng. Hihihi
Ngunu kuwi motone piye yoo… :p
Aaqil udah gedhe..tambah gantenggg…..
father’s day ya mas,,, hahaha
Iyes Mba Dew! :’D
iya dong. pastinya. hehehe. 🙂