I had an accident tonight but I’m okay. Not Super Ok but I’m fine.
A little black and blue in my face and scratches in the back of my hand and my thigh. The wounds sting a little bit.
Got home at 9.00 pm from my office, what went over my had was that I had to take Sudirman on my way home. Usually when my girl around I will always take Kuningan to get to my place, but today she’s away in Cilegon til tomorrow. So, I just took Sudirman. Five minutes from my office gate, I was in the middle of Gatot Subroto, a big main street but luckily that night was not that crowded as it used to be. I could get my motorcycle, my SRK, ran until 80km/hrs. Kinda speedy I know, but I always get lucky speeding but not tonight.
I saw a small red town car slowing down far ahead, I hit my brakes but my speed just couldn’t go down exactly as i expected. Knew that I will hit the car my head went blank and Baaam!! I hit it. My face hit it’s rear window, I fell and hit the road. SRK’s front body broke and part of it flew in nice couple of meters. But Alhamdulillaah I had the street empty without any cars/motorcycle behind me. Three police officers not so far sighted. The car went in to the street’s side. A very generous man helped me.
Before the accident, my backlight went dark a day earlier, my motorcycle paper (how do I say STNK?) is still in Lampung for tax renewal routines. And definitely I’m in the wrong side, hitting a car that seemed didn’t do anything wrong. The driver came to me. The police officer came to me. I tried to be calm. My senses told me that I should make no fuss over this because absolutely I’m the one who suffer more. Being the one who knocked down on a concrete street and acting all cool get me free. We agreed to shake hands, man to man anddo the forgive and forget. My motorcycle severely injured but his car dented quite big. Bruises here and there not a big loss since I don’t have a super cute face. So,have no reason to make it a drama.
I’m really sorry for myself, for my SRK, for the car driver and for everyone that I love for being so irresponsible speeding in street. I know not everyone get as lucky as I am tonite. Promise to myself to be more responsible. Not gonna speeding like that ever again.
Alhamdulillaah ya Allah for keeping me safe.
Bruises that I got from accident
PS : SRK stands for Si Revo Kuning (My Yellow Revo)
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