No, we didn’t go anywhere today. It was, in fact, a very lazy Sunday.
Woke up around 4 I got back to sleep after having Subuh prayer around 4.45. After that, I started to read Bulan or Moon by Tere Liye. A teenage adventure book, a sequel from the first book, Bumi or Earth. I just don’t want to make it a long read and finish it in about 3 hours, with a two hours and an hour sleep in between. Haha.
It was an entertaining book but didn’t provide much of surprise tho. Will write a review about it later on.
After that, I was inspired to finish a motivational book, Telor Ceplok or Sunny Side Egg in English by Obed Hitachi. Yeah, it was just like any other motivational book and you can find the content of the book as public wisdom already. Just can’t get enough of reading I read Happiness by @Arvanpra which the content was much or less the same.
So other than reading, sleeping (much of sleeping) I played with A and Bul. It was a lazy Sunday but no more. We will have our dinner at Aeon Mall. Hihi.. Anyone there? Hit me @danirachmat then!
Yeah, I really want to do this short post. 😀
Lazy Sunday and Three Books
Asik ya Very relaxing kalo gak ngapa ngapain gitu…
Iya Ko, very-very relaxing 😀
Lianny Hendrawati
Aku belum pernah baca bukunya Tere Liye. Bagus ya?
Tergantung buku yang mana sih Mbak. Ada juga yang saya gak beres-beres bacanya. Kalo yang Bulan dan Serial Anak Mama sama seri Negeri Para Bedebah lumayan bagus
Nia Nastiti
Lazy sunday-nya sangat produktip Mas, tiga bukuuu 😮
Haaaaah? itu mah gak produktip Mbak Nia. Cuman baca buku. Hihihi…
indah nuria Savitri
enjoy your SUnday…good to know you’re having fun and truly enjoy your time. Have fun for the reast of the day..
Many-many thanks Mbak Indah, I’m so sorry for the late reply. 🙂
A nice, relaxing Sunday is indeed very ideal!!
Yes Ko. can’t agree more! 😀
suasana akhir pekan yang sama.
selamat menyambut Senin =))
Iya Mas. Terimakasih banyak ya Mas 🙂
fitri melinda
waahh…aku niatnya weekend kemaren juga pengen baca buku.. tapi seperti biasa kalo udah dirumah biasanya disibukin ama si bocil.. 😀
aku belom baca bulan, tapi baru selesei baca pulang..
Kebayang banget Mbak Fitri kalo ada bocil mah.. Hihihi. But you did have a great Sunday and week end as well right? 😀
Lazy relaxing Sunday banget Dan
Banget Yan! 😀
hari libur emanng enaknya gitu Dan..gegoleran nonton tv atau baca buku..
gue blom bisa begitu lagi..secara bentar2 si bocil gangguin mulu minta ini inu hahahahaha.. ;p
Hehehee… Kebayang Desiii gw kalo ada duo bocil di rumah mah.. 😀