This post is made to follow one of the 8 tips conquering worry from Reader’s Digest. I just simply forget what number this suggestion was. And I just posted this today since yesterday I couldn’t manage to get connected properly. So here they are:
Out of how lucky I am for my wife, fact that my parents in law is staying with us so that my wife is happier (so do I. teheee :P) and my boy to be, three things that I’m thankful for yesterday are:
– I met my old friend from Bank Mandiri. We were in the same batch of Officer Development Program. Batch 24 that stretched from December 2005 until January 2007. He has a good career there but yet he has a very simple way of seeing how life and careers is. Being so grateful and not trying too hard. I tweeted my conversation with him in @danirachmat account yesterday. Conversation with him kind of reminded me that I should be more grateful.
- The rain stopped everytime I’m ready to go everywhere I go. Earlier yesterday morning when I arrived in Tanah Abang train station It was raining, hard. But by the time I reached Sudiman, the rain just simply vanished so that I could take my walk. This also happened later at night. Bu the time I reached Serpong rain was pouring down like it would never stop. I took my prayer there for first time rather tan wandering around, when I were tying my shoelace hard and stormy rain just ceased into small grain of waters. I could take my way home.
I met mbok Sul, a friend from Bank Mandiri Corporate Banking. We talked alot about jobs and working condition. Again, the conversation reminded me to be more grateful for what I already have and what actually Job security is. Later on I enrolled for the 2nd module of Certified Financial Planning Course. Thank God again my wonderful wife fully support this.
Yes this will sound so cliché but there were so many other things happened that I can write them down here but as the topic is three things that I’m thankful for everyday, guess those above are fine.
:: writing while standing in commuter line to Tanah Abang ::
:: grow a day older by Dee playing ::
Harus nyari kamus dulu, Dan…
huehehehehe… ๐
kalo saya biasanya pakai google translate, saya copy paste contentnya dan voila… keluarlah hasil terjemahannya. Hehehe..
Kalo tata bahasa aslinya bagus hasil terjemahanya bakalan bagus. Cuman kalo bahasa saya hasil terjemahannya pasti hancur. ๐
Bibi Titi Teliti
Sometimes we are sabotaging our happiness by forgetting every small thing that have been given…
for me, wonderful husband…healthy children…able to watch korean drama whenever I want…Thank you God ๐
Nice posting ๐
Yes Mba Erry. Can’t agree more with you.
Its a wonderful world already, right mba? ๐
Bibi Titi Teliti
Hai Dani…
Kalo mau baca postingan tentang standup aku…
boleh klik
Kalo pengen nonton video nya…jreng..jreng…
Kalo ada waktu nonton ya Dan ๐