I’m a socially awkward person. Sejujurnya gw ga punya banyak temen, I always have some kind of nerve breakdown when I have to socialize. Padahal kerjaan gw marketing. Tapi emang sih untungnya gw ga pernah ada masalah presenting or selling something, tapi kalo kudu mempresentasikan diri …
Thanks to Mas Sigoese. He writes a wonderful blog which according to him only contains regularly post of ordinary pictures with simple story, while for me, his blog is an awesome place to get wonderful pictures with so many beutiful stories behind. Go check his blog if …
It’s International Book Week. The rules: Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 54, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don’t mention the title. Copy the rules as part of your status. “Saya masih berpikir pola Tomoe itu bisa dilakukan.” Guess that it …
Oke. Hampir seminggu ini gw gak buka dashboard dan komen yang belum dibales sudah bertumpuk. Gw cuman mauganti cara ngebales komen jadi ganti ke cara awal bales komen, pake tombol reply. Alasan gw ga make tombol reply beberapa waktu ini karena: jumlah komen yang kebaca di …