During Lunch Hour
This week’s challenge from English Friday: How Gadget Affects Our Life is quite tough even though I can say that I can barely separate gadgets from my daily life. How should I write the post, from which angle and how far the extent of the discussion are things swarming inside my head. But a challenge is a challenge. So, this is how gadgets affect my life.
Growing up in a middle-class working family, I didn’t have any experience with gadgets or whatsoever in which at that time was only purely gaming console. Not until my last year of college I got my hand on my very first cellular phone (here I wrote about my first ever cellular phone). Even though only as far as texting and made 3-seconds-phone-calls I thought I was invincible.
Fast forward to my first smartphone which I spent a full year to pay, thanks to 0% Mandiri Credit Card’s installment plan 😀, a Sony Ericsson W810i with 2 MP back camera and ability to play hundred of songs stored just like a walkman. I recall snapped almost every spot I turned my head to while rocking my body slightly according to a music played and banged into my head through a super cool earpiece. I thought it was super awesome and if I may say it boosted my confidence. I forgot to mention that it was during 2006-2007, my management trainee year. The company I worked for trained me with other 29 candidates from well known Indonesia’s universities graduates and the smartphone helped me. Big time.
Then came internet era with so many social media offered and ease of information acquisition. I shone brightly in my professional life. Two years in a row, I managed to assist my branch manager achieving targets. Green scorecards allowed promotion reached me and landed me in Jakarta where the headquarter is. Oh, how could I be so forgetful, my phone also made me possible to contact my family lives miles away in Surabaya. There was regular evening calls to Ibuk (and sometimes Bapak)
Nowadays, with the internet and cell phones’ power hundreds of times compared to 7 years ago, gadget has transformed to inseparable part of my daily life. Maybe there are people that able to resist the presence of gadgets in their life, but I not me. When Jo challenged us to put away our gadget(s) for three days I yield right after seconds of the challenge announced.
I realize that gadgets tend to draw my attention (and people around me) away from what happens right in front of our eye. It sucks when my wife put more attention to lipstick color gradation than to me who is riding beside her or my kid didn’t respond to my question too busy to watch a movie on my laptop. So despite the enormous convenient I get from my gadget(s), I should put it away more whenever my beloved ones there.
Oh, maybe I’m taking too much time typing this post. See ya!
EF#3 How Gadgets Affect My Life
Nadia Khaerunnisa
Good one, Mas Dan π i really agree with the last paragraph, lipstick color gradation is important! *loh, salah fokus* hahahha kidding. Yes, it is sucks when people ignore us because the zone out with the gadget. Hmmm, maybe i am sucks, too, for other people.
Ahahahahaaa Nadiaaaa, yesss lipstick color is important *ikutan salah fokus
Huahahahaha. Oh em jiiii…
I like lipstick color gradation. Hahaha *toss
Mas dan, it’s make us look younger and cute
Nadia Khaerunnisa
Laaah tika nambahin soal lipstik..hahahaha
Hahaa…dont forget bold eyebrows
Nadia Khaerunnisa
Malah jadi beauty blog comment ini mah *runrunsmall*
*kasih pager* hahaha
haiyah masih lanjuuut :))
Wkakakakakakaka. So many attraction yes?
Hushaahahahahahaha. Bakalan dibikin postingan deh ini yeees… :))
Abi Sabila
Gadget bisa jadi ‘penyelamat’, tapi juga bisa sebagai ‘penjahat’, tergantung kita sebagai penggunanya. Ambil dan manfaatkan positifnya, hindari dan tinggalkan negatifnya.
Setuju Mas. Ambil manfaatnya tinggalkan mudharatnya. π
This is the story of Dani. Haha. Really nice post Dan. At least, we are able to know you better.
Yep. I am also one that can’t participate Jo’s challenge. Hiks.
Ah, thank you Mas. So not necessarily answer the challenge ya my post? π
Answering kok.
yeahh this is the real life nowadays..( aduhh gak sanggup ngarang pake English …hahahhaa, balik bahasa indo lagi dahh ). ..gua juga blom bisa lepasss nihh dan, walopun udah dikumplen…hahaha, harus berusaha lagi
Sebisa mungkin disingkirkan waktu ada istri dan atau anak dimuka ci Yance kalo saya mah. π
At the very last, what does affect in life? Gadget? I don’t think so. Beloved parents, beloved family, beloved friends do when you are gather around.
Sure Bang. That is why just get rid of the gadgets while we are with them.
Nice post gan. Gadget memang banyak efeknya, dan gue kemudian teringat salah stau lagu baru Tony Q feat Nugie yang judulnya Maya. ini bagus banget, efek dari gadget. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9Ys1q5bIzw
Huehehehehe. Makasih banget Mba Memez.. π
btw the music itself is not my kind of music but it has a very good lyrics. Love it! π
yang jelas nggak enak diduakan oleh handphone π
banget Bang. π
dulu aq slalu sebel kalo lg ktemuan sm orang,ato lg makan brg,eh dianya sibuk sm gadget,jdnya kayak fisiknya aja sebelahan tp jiwanya enggak,hehehe tp ya mau negur ga enak,ngajak ngomong dianya jg ga nyambung krn mata slalu ke hp, yo wes lah aq maen gadget juga,ahahahah tp ttp lbh seneng kalo lg makan brg ato ktemu tmn itu ya ngobrol,ktawa2..
Iya Qooon. Banget emang. Betelah kalo dicuekin pas kita ketemu ngumpul bareng gitu. Huehehehe…Kalo dah gitu ya udah gw maen gadget juga ato malah pergi duluan. Wkwkwkk..
And I kinda remember Gary Turk’s video (which becomes viral) about the dilemma of smartphones. Fortunately I haven’t been that addicted to smartphone, so I could still handle being away from smartphone, just like Jo has done.
Anyway, good post. As Ryan has said, we got to know you better after reading this :hihi.
Thank you Gara. π
Hopefully, I can be consistent putting my cellphone away. π
Tane Hadiyantono
Put away your gadget for the sake of your loved ones.
Nice Mas Dani, bagus banget ni…
aaaw, thanks Tane. Yep let’s put our gadgets away and focus on people around us. π
Ferdy Lpu
gadget is very helpfull if we use it in the right way, otherwise because gadget we ignore people around us. nice story bang dani
Thank you Fer. π
Indeed, ignoring people tend to be the most probable side effect to happen.
tu2t widhi
I use it if i’m alone or to get rid of boredom. Malah game get rich dimaenin ama bojoku
Gadget indeed is very useful when we are in a long queue. Playing with kid is sure more fun! π
LOL I was also think the same when writing my post, like “oh I am talking about how gadget affects my life, yet I spend too much time writing this blog” π
Hahahahahahaha. XD
I even ignored my wife sitting by my side while I typed this.
Allisa Yustica Krones
Emang semua harus sesuai porsi ya Dan, sesuatu yang berguna klo gak dipergunakan dengan bijak jg bisa jadi senjata makan tuan π
Gak ada yang bagus kalo udah berlebhan ya Lis? π
setuju, jangan sampe smart gadget tapi stupid user.
Smart user of smartphone yes Man? π
What a well-illustrated photo it is, Mas! I love the photo so much, it bring out the meaning when we often didnt aware that we ignore our friend when we attracted to gadgets. By the way, did you take the photo in your office?
Aaaw, many thanks, Prita. So glad that you enjoy it that much! π
I took it during our lunch break when we went to a coffee shop. π
I agree, we should be wise in using gadgets these days otherwise it consumes a lot of our time π .
So true Ko. Limit how long we use gadget.
Di foto itu yang cowok emang ngga pegang gadget ya, Bang Dan? Kesian dicuekin.. π
Ho-oh Beb. He didn’t touch his gadget. Perfect illustration isn’t it?
Yes, it is π
Let’s put them together Dan, let’s make gadget makes us closer. π
Yoih. Let’s do that and get closer through gadget. π
Dwi Puspita
wah kalo gadget nih berasa penting banget….oh ya Mas Dan..mas aku kan udah daftar BEC nya..nah disitu aku nggak nyentang utk yg buat posting, aku nyentang yg masuk ke grup WA tapi ampe skrang aku kok masih belum nerima ya, padahal no hape udah aku masukin juga, itu ditolakkah lamaranku?
Gadget jaman sekarang emang penting banget Mba Dwi. Btw untuk BEC kalo sekalian ikutan WA berarti ikutan bikin postnya juga Mbakyu. Nah ini grup WA kan maksimal 100 orang ya. Kayaknya sudah sampe kapasitasnya segitu Mba. Kebetulan yang daftarin ke grup ada admin yang lain. Kami mohon maaf. Tapi buat belajar bahasa Inggrisnya bisa tetep ikutin blognya kok..
Talking about lipstick gradation, I always forget where are the lipsticks I’ve bought. Last month I bought a pallete and haven’t used it yet but I can’t remember where did I put it. ;(
Yudhi Hendro
Now, gadgets is not only for phone call, write a text and take a picture. But also become as our secretary π
Dinar Zul Akbar
So Mas Dani’s post was sponsored by Mandiri??
Should I announce to the world here how many cutting-edge devices you own now? Including one that you no longer used because you are hooked on your new toys? Lol. Anyway, very true, set the gadgets aside and give enjoy your time with your loved ones.
Now that I have posted mine, I can start blogwalking to other member’s posts hehehe.
3 second call, I mentioned that on my post too.
3 seconds call? Quite explain your (my) age, Mas Dani
Andik Taufiq
wah… walkman series… keren itu pada jamannya… pada waktu itu berjajar 30 buah handheld di meja kerjaku, buat testing aplikasi… sekitar 10an biji walkman series… bahkan kl dipikir-pikir kl kita ignore faktor touch-nya, model walkman series sampe skrg pun kyknya masih cukup fancy…
Gw berpikir hal yang sama! W series emang keren.
Thanks for sharing this nice article it have some great useful blog….
my pleasure π