A moment with loved ones
How many times do I meet another blogger? Many!
But not so many-many that I can’t count on them by my fingers already. Haha.
I love meeting up my fellow bloggers. As long as the time and venue are reachable, most probably I will say yes to a meetup invitation. It is always energy recharging experiences.
I blog since 2007 in various platforms. This WordPress blog is my first ever blog I registered but not until 2011 I actively put my thoughts in it. I used Facebook note, Multiply, Blog Detik and Tumblr. I forgot when, where and with whom was my first meetup.
I usually write down any meet-up here. From searching result, my first WordPress blog meet-up was with Amel back in November 2012. Then I met a blogger that is my neighbour, I came to various malls and restaurant and even I went to Bandung and came to one of very famous blogger for a meet-up.
Nervous is something that I have to bear every time I’m about to meet my blogger friends. Thinking what I’m going to talk with him/her, what if I turn out a boring person and thousand of other what ifs. Taking a deep breath and just step into the venue always work for me. Just ignore all the uncomfortable feeling and the likes.
With bloggers, I seemed never to run out of things to talk about. Though I never knew him/her before, but it always effortless to ask questions and tell stories as if we were old friends that met again after a long time. Or maybe we are? We read each other’s stories though.
My most recent meet-up and the biggest one to date was last week’s BEC meet-up. I met more than 20 bloggers at a time! Can you imagine that? Nah, I won’t tell you about it again as you may already read about it many times from here and there. 😀
Does it do any good for me? The meet-up? As I can surely say it does. A meet-up boosts my energy in blogging as I can meet in person wonderful people with their amazing thinking. It shows me that this is not a lonely world and I get to know real people. Hopefully at last I can befriend them. Well, a lot more than that actually. But you know what I mean right?
So what about you? How is your meetup moment(s)?
Below is my last 10 meet-up list written in this blog not including BEC meet-up:
[display-posts category=”kopi-darat”]
PS: Picture above is not from a blogger meet-up 😛
This post to answer Blog English Club week 9 challenge: Share your meet-up moments!
[EF#9] Meet-up is A Must
Meet ups sound found but I haven’t had any. Looking forward to my first one
me too,, so unreachable for me right now 🙁
anyone live in Pekanbaru?
*mupeng mode on 😀
Eh. Ngga nyadar kalok hari ini Jumat. Wkwkwk.. 😀
Asik ya Bang, ketemu banyak blogger. Beneran jadi temen di dunia nyata. :3
Ternyata grogi dengan semua pemikiran tentang meet up dialami banyak orang..
seru emang kalo kopdar ya. kita cuma beberapa kali doang lah meet up. paling seru ya pas pulang indo th 2009 lalu. rame… gak inget berapa orang blogger nya, ada kali 20-30-an. rame banget. hahaha.
Kalau pulang aku daftar ketemu dong ko. Hahaha
Ane sangat beruntung bisa meet up sama Bang Dani, the famous one. Hahaha
belum kopdar sama yang punya blog ini 😀
Iya belum nih sama Bang Rifki
Kapan2 ya pak copy land. Tapiii aku suka starstruck kalo ketemu blogger heitttts sih 😀
Diiih. Siapa pulak yang blogger heitz. Hahaha. Yuk ah Bu. Kapan kita lanf coffee
Kalo dikau pulang ke Rungkut, just shoot me a message ya Dan (bener gak nih tulisane, hahaha)
Sure Mbakyu! I will! 😀
Untung kita udah pernah ketemuan ya hehe
Nadia Khaerunnisa
Yes, the perks of meeting-up with bloggers is we read their stories far before. So we could talk about anything! 😀
Allisa Yustica Krones
Aku baru dua kali kopdar, Dan…hihihi… Dan iya memang, asiknya ketemu sama temen blog itu adalah meski baru kenal tapi berasa kayak yang udah kenal lama, jadi obrolannya bisa nyambung 😀
Belum pernah kopdaran nih kita mas. Semoga kapan2 kalo aku main ke Jakarta bisa kopdaran ya 🙂
Amiiiiiin!!! Semoga dalam waktu dekat! 😀
Amin! Btw, next week aku ke Jakarta sih, tapi cuma bentar jadi kayaknya gak sempat juga mau kopdaran hehehe
I haven’t been to many kopdars because of, well, the location, haha 😛 .
Hopefully we can meet sometime in the near future! *amiiin
*langsung buka rekening dan memandang saldo
Ah, I only met Mr. Ade Limaunipes, so this far I just have one as my count in that kopdar thing :hehe :peace. Looking forward to meeting other bloggers, as I could learn much about this world. :)).
Yes, meeting bloggers are surely precious experience. We could share anything from books to chit-chats, from photos to postcards, but one thing for sure that from those kopdars, we could get others’ positivity. A thing that is very needed in todays life.
Agreeee. Positivity is also infectious yes Bli Gara? So when will we meet?
I wonder when, too :hehe. I always want to meet the admins :hihi.
We always want to meet you all! 😀
Let’s meet, then! :hehe ngebet kepengen kopdar :haha
why don’t we arrange a movie date in a weekend? then we con go over for a lunch or afternoon snack! 😀
Ooh, that’s a good idea, I’d love to!
I’m waiting for the invitation then! :))
totally agreee…meet up with fellow blogger, such kind boost my energy… hhohoho
Me tooo! *tosss
Kopdaran mah selalu membawa kesan sendiri…tp yang pasti bikin bahagiaaa…sayang sekali, waktu teteh pulang kemaren, belum banyak yang kenal dan akrab.. Jadi pengen ketemuan lagi untuk kesekian kali, awal2 khan agak-agak kagok dikit, kalau sekarang mah, pas ketemu bakalan berisiiik hahaha
Mudah2an bisa ketemuan sama sahabat-sahabat WP 🙂
Amiiiin. Kabar kabari ya Teh kalo pas balik sini.. Jadi pengen ketemuan sama Teteh deh. 😀
Jadi pengen kopdaran sama teman-teman WP nih…hehehe…sedekat eh sejauh ini teteh mulai merasa dekat dengan sahabat2 disini…:)
teteh orangnya senang bercanda, kadang rada2 khawatir juga kalau ada yg rada memandang aneh gitu….kebawa2 saat di MP dulu soalnya heheh
atau malahan SKSD..?? aahh biarlaaah…:D
Biarlah Teeeh kalo ada yang merasa begituuu. Hihihi.
Ho oh… Biar sajaaah… hehe
Kita sudah pernah bertemu muka ya Mas Dani, dua kali 🙂
Iya Mbak Evi, waktu itu saya grogi banget. Hihihi
Zaqia Nur Fajarini
I never meet up blogger friend hiks…so i’m confuse to posting EF#9
Tell us your expectation about meet up will be great! 🙂
Aaak… Aku belum postiiiing…. padahal jd volunteer. masi on progress gapapa yaak xD.
Aku ketemu Dani pas di Mie Aceh Buzz doang tapi dulu belom tau banyak isi blognya waktu itu. Hahahaha… skrg mah sering jd silent reader gue. uhuyy.
eh ga silent juga sih yak xP
Ola Aswandi
Wah meet up junkie juga yaa mas Dani! Tosssss.. Hhahahaha
Rasanya tadi2 udah komen di sini, apa aku lupa ya
kopdar dgn Dani cuma sempat senyum dan salaman doang.,, rame sih di SB 14 ya
Bams Triwoko
So… when will we meet up in Jogja mas Dani ?? 😀
Ni Made Sri Andani
Wah..asyiknya. Aku jarang banget ketemu teman Blogger. malah belum ketemu dirimu, wahai tetangga…he he. Ayo Dan. kapan kita ketemuan?
Zizy Damanik
Belum pernah ketemuan ya sama aku. Besok2 aku ajak ya…. bareng beberapa blogger lain juga.
Asiiiik. Ikuut kak! 🙂
feeling nervous and various what-ifs was the feeling I had when I met my pen-pal for the first time back in 2005 or 2006 ( I forgot ). she was prettier than I had thought. unfortunately and the most embarassing thing was I DIDN’T bring anything for her and then she treated me some meal! what a big-big regret!
Pipit Widya
Kalo aku, nyamperin ke rumah blogger yg emang deketan rumahnya. Rumpiiiis jadinya 🙂