A and His Ball
I’m not a sporty one, well really not into the sport to begin with.
This post to answer BEC weekly challenge about what kind of sport do I choose.
I remember how my father tried so hard with all his might to get me to do any kind of sport. I grew up as a kid that chose books than any outdoor activities. I spent spare time during my school years reading books from school and library, read magazines and comic books. Quite contrary with my father that even run a Pencak Silat school. Well not one with a well-known name and branches everywhere, but every Thursday evening, there were twenty to thirty people gathered in a field near our house back then and my father trained them.
Well, that was me.
Am I any different now?
Nope. Not a bit. At least not before A came to my life.
It is funny though. To think about it, I have never interested to do any sport for the sake of my health. I always did it for other purposes. There were times when I hit the gym three times a week, hired a personal trainer so that I can look good on my wedding day. A bit further back then, I tried to learn swimming so that I could have a L-Men body shape (which of course failed miserably – I didn’t know how to swim exactly).
But now, with A around'”, I started to think that I want to be a healthy person. Strong enough to run beside him when he grows older. To be his partner and to accompany him as long as God let me. Looking down at my belly I know that something must change. So instead of back to the gym, I choose the easiest and simplest sport. Running.
It only needs a shoe and yes to get the style of a more advanced runner I use my cell phone, headphone and those stuffs, just to look good. 😛
So let’s just say that running and I are meant to be together. I love it and I definitely will do more out of it. Well, I have skipped my schedule for the last two weeks. In my defense, this is all because of this unusual rainy season that last until this April. Heavy rains always come during my running session or right before I start.
But, I can say I will still run for many kilometers as long as my legs let me. 😀
What about you? What kind of sport do you choose?
My other recent submission for English Friday:
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[EF#13] I Run for My Life
Emaknya Benjamin br. Silaen
A wear nice outfit, especially his sport shoes looks so sporty :D: .
I choose gardening for my sport LOL.
Thank you Mbak Nel, that shoes are already too small for his way to fast growing feet. Hihihi.
Aaaah! Gardening is indeed somekind of sport! 😀
Susie Ncuss
run run run…
sama kyk sayah :))
Hihihi. Toss ah Mbak! 😀
Dan.., alasan2mu buat olahraga dulu itu manusiawi dan kekinian banget deh kayaknya he..he..,
iya sih waktu masih muda dulu, kebanyakan sih orang olahraga salah satunya demi pergaulan, kayak aku juga he..he..
Ahahahaha. Iya MBak Monda. 😛
Sekarang sih alesannya biar sehat. 😀
I do run sometimes. even now I more into zumba person Dan ahahaha. its more fun for me !! buat nagih ;p For me exercise is a must . No matter how good or bad you feel at any given moment, exercise will make you feel better. kurus or slim or singset or u name it lah istilahnya apaan..itu bonus , ya gak si?? hehehehe
And I’m still curious to join a zumba class. hahaha. Its name is so inviting. Indeed Nis, we exercise to stay healthy.
Aku butuh usaha dan semangat lebih kalau buat lari mas Dani…dan dulu alesan larinya cetek banget, buat penyegaran mata 😆
Eh emang kok Ra, lari itu nyegerin mata bangett… 😀
The same only sport I only enjoy and can do haha. Running or in other term we can say jogging is very simple, affordable, and easy sport. Every morning I often went jogging on February. But, now, I become rarely to go jogging because either I am reluctant to do it or I have to do many hard assignments from lecture. 😀
untuk lari yg maksimal emang harus stylish..
I also like Run, they songs lift my spirit.. hehe beda ya XD
OMG dannn…. this is the second time already I click unfollow button accidently. No wonder I didnt see your post in my readers. I noticed it when I submit my post in the ilinks and I saw yours there but wondering why it didn’t appear in my timeline. Sorry dan, I have to follow you again.
Anyway,I think running is the best sport so far. Its healthy and its free. I love running too but kinda difficult to find the right place now.alesan lol
Wah, sukanya lari… tapi bukan lari dari kenyataan kan Dan? 😀
Bukan Grant. Kenyataannya indah kok.. *eaaaa
Mana fotonya lagi lari-bin-stylish ituh>? Heheheh.
Benerrr Dan. Para ortu kudu sehat–kalopun ogah demi diri sendiri, paling enggak biar bisa nemenin bocah-bocah cilik.
Sorry for dropping a comment in Indonesian. I totally forgot how to write in Englis. T_T
Hahahahaha. It’s ok Mbakyu. Sorry for very late in replying! 😀
Eh iyes, stay healthy is even more important when we have people depend on us.
I just did jogging this morning. But, in that moment I think I should buy new shoes. -__- How many hours do you running, mas Dan?
Itu komplek perumahannya bagus sekali *gagal fokus 😛
yoga 😀
cutie A..gemes deh..
how old is he?
Di daerah BSD banyak tempat lari ya 😀
tetap sangat ya mas dgn aktivitas lari nya! mudah-mudahan saya juga ketularan :-), btw A cute banget deh, ngegemesin cium A
Andik Taufiq
perguruan opo iki silate? 😀
**aku belum bikin, jurus kaburrr…
Nadia Khaerunnisa
Yeah, I agree…when we have kids, the needs of having a healthy body is evenmore.
Zizy Damanik
Hmm… aku kok malas ya. Semangat kalau ramai-ramai, tapi kalau sudah sore di kantor udah keburu cape 😀
lari bukan olahraga saya… waktu sekolah, setiap ada pengambilan nilai lari… waktu tempuh saya di bawah rata-rata 🙁
Dan sekarang lari jadi olahraga yang digandrungi banyak orang ya, Bang.. 😀 Kebanyakan orang di kompleks deket rumah pada lari-lari sore sambil ngajak anaknya.. 😀
Aku ngga bisa lari, soalnya kaki kiri bermasalah. Paling jalan doank 😛
Yang penting jantung dilatih dulu Beb. Paling gak biar terbiasa kerja berat. Hihihihi.
Aku suka jogging dan skipping.
Dulu suka berenang, sekarang berenang jadi olahraga mahal, hehe…
Iyaaa. Berenang harus bayar mahal buat masuk kolamnya. 🙁
aku pilih renang, sama olah rag ayang bida dilakukan di dalam rumah
Hihihi. Biar praktis ya mbak
Penghuni 60
haduh, lupa bawa kamus lagi… ntar balik lagi deh… 🙂
lupa bawa kamus euy… pulang dulu ah
I like running, badminton and basketball. What’s your nikerun account Mas Dani? Mine is nianastiti, let’s be friend and compete on that app :p
I just like your reason for running. Not just for being healthy, but you run for people you love and the people who love you. And when the activity’s done in the name of love… the result will be outstanding.
Tosss Dan 🙂