
8 or 10 cm more

28 tahun 11 bulan 14 hari. Seinget gw, ga pernah ada yang namanya sixpack. Jangankan sixpack, perut kempet (terepes) aja gw ga pernah punya. Ya perut gw. Penting bgt nih issue sampe harus jadi postingan pembuka setelah lama gw ga ngepost! Gw ngimpi punya perut sixpack dari dulu. Eh ga perlulah sixpack, rata aja tanpa […]


Things I Can’t Say No To

Half an hour before I reach Bandung, wondering about what are things that I can’t say no to. Food I can’t say no to pecel, the kind of East Java Pecel. Various kind of well cooked vegetables with spicy peanut sauce. Moreover if there is kembang turi (Sesbania Grandiflora) in it. Yummy! For me there’s nothing […]


You, Made It Through Month Two!

March, 1st 2011. Alhamdulillaah I made it through the first two months this year. Though it’s only a mere 58 days, there were so many things happened! Several important keystones happened in this short period of time. My little sister was proposed by now-her-fiance. After so many years she was always my little sister, but […]

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