English Fragment

[EF#19] Unforgettable

Unforgettable relationship for me is between my bike and me. The old bike my parents bought for me when I was a kid. Not a relationship with a girlfriend or whatsoever. What about you?


This week’s English Friday Challenge theme asked me to tell the story about my unforgettable relationship.

From the challenge post, I should tell the story about my relationship with other human beings. Thinking about it, I don’t have any ex-girlfriend that the story worth telling. If I tell you the story about my relationship with my family then it will be just any other same old-same old.

Then, let me tell you about this one particular thing that was so close and dear to me. My old bike.

If Dahlan Iskan had his shoes, I had my bike.

It was a cool so-called mountain bike. Bapak and Ibuk bought and gave it to me on my birthday when I was in sixth-grade elementary school. A year later I was a junior high school student and started to use that bicycle to get to my school which was quite far. Around 30 minutes from home using that bike.

Actually it was a bike for a grown up and a bit too big for my tiny junior-high body. I had to reach a bit far so that I could pedal it but it was fun. I enjoyed every minute of my cycling moments during my school years.

Never thought that the bike would stay with me a bit longer. I kept using it through my college years. Coming from a working class family I didn’t really have the choice. Either an hour using my bicycle or I had to put extra one and half an hour commuting using public transportation.

There were times when I felt so upset and tired of using it. Looking at my friends rode motorcycles or even cars, sent those kinds of unhealthy feelings. Luckily, every time I looked at my parents, I was able to get my inner peace back. The fought even harder than me. So why should I complain then?

Not until my last year of college that I should put my bike to its rest. It started to break down. We needed to fix it here and there until it was the time that we think it was too much trouble to keep it. Its handlebar steering broke when I rode it and caused me an accident. Two of my front-most teeth broke and you can still see it now. The memento of  my lovely old bike.

That one is surely unforgettable. What about yours?

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40 tanggapan untuk “[EF#19] Unforgettable”

Thank God you could think of your parents when you were tired of biking to school..because nowadays there are lots of teens forced their parents to buy them a motorcycle #peerpressure

hiks Dan…
sedih ya…
toss ahh kita, gw malah harus ngangkot and jalan kaki. Begonya kenapa gw dulu gak kepikiran naik sepeda ya??
sementara temen-temen kuliah gw pada borju…
untungnya gw punya temen-temen yang hardworking semacem lo Dan…
jadi suka berasa malu dan terpacu sama semangat mereka.

sebenernya gw ada pilihan sih Dan…
mama and Bapak itu pekerja kantoran…
karena udah terbiasa dari kecil gak hidup berlebihan dan harus irit sana sini…
jadi sampe kuliah pun kebawa-bawa…
gak mau ngerepotin ortu gw yang saat itu emang bebannya lagi banyak

dan, it was so cool if you, when it was in sixth grade you have a mountain bike. not like me, in that age i usually ride a bike that called ‘sepeda lanang’ and ‘sepeda wedok’. i guess you know what i mean with this kind of bike because you were originally from east java 🙂 ‘sepeda lanang’ is bigger than your mountain-bike dan… and you can imagine i can ride that in that age.

I can imagine your Sepeda Lanang Mas Kamal. Yeah, that was not a mountain bike – mountain bike. It was only a decent but not the expensive one. But lucky to had it though 😀


inget sepeda federal merah yang kupakai sejak SMP, SMA dan sekarang ternyata masih bisa dipakai..walau udah teyengen sih.. eh berkarat..
Sekarang pengen bersepeda lagi, tapi kendalanya jalan depan rumah ampuuunn dah ramenya..maceett.. dan bisa dipastikan saya gak pede ditengah keramaian yang ganas itu.. *sori lebay 😀

Banyak bolonya juga kok Dan, ada temenku anak tekkim rumahnya di medayu, nyepeda juga. AKu nyepeda jaman SD, trs SMP SMA ngangkot, kuliah 2 thnan naik motor, sisanya mobil krn kantor ibuku pindah dkt kampus.Eh kamu dulu SMA naik apa trus?

O really? 😀 People say that something is as easy as riding a bike. I thought that every one is able to do it. Just knew Yan. Thanks for sharing the story..


Aku jadi inget sepeda pertama dan terakhir ku, Bang. Dibelik waktu aku kelas 4 SD. Masih pakek roda empat karena emang ngga bisa naik sepeda. Bruakakakakak.. Cemeeeeen 😛

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