
Going to a Dentist

For me, it is quite scary to pay a visit to a dentist. Not necessarily the pain, but the pride that I had to swallow. How about you? What do you think about going to a dentist?

Ok.  This is a century long late post.  Answering BEC challenge about going to a dentist.

If you have met me in person,  you will notice that two of my upper front teeth have visible lines that show they have been patched. And yes of course they are not pearly white teeth. But I don’t have any problem with them.

The patches on that I mentioned,  I got them during my very last visit to dentist since I broke those mentioned teeth in an accident back in 2004. More than ten years ago and that was my last time I visit a dentist,  on my behalf to fix something wrong inside my mouth.  If it is for A’s then I regularly visit a dentist for the last 2 years.

I can blame everyone for this afraid-of-dentist feeling I have but then it just won’t do. I’m a grown up now but yet I’m still scared as hell to get a dentist examination.  Maybe it was no longer about the pain I had to endure when the dentist has to do whatever necessary,  but maybe the look at the dentist’s eyes when he/se take a look inside my mouth.

I always have this kind of thinking that a dentist is judging through my inner-mouth health.  I can’t bear that kind of thinking though in fact maybe a dentist was thinking about what she will cook for dinner for her family or how his wife will react on a surpire he prepared for her and not give the slightest judgement at all.  But then again,  I still can’t open my mouth for a dentist  unless it is  already unbearable.

Luckily I don’t have any serious problem with my mouth.  Well,  not that I’m aware of anyway.  Ignorance really is a bliss. 😀

Morning Shower

But of course,  I don’t want A to walk the same path when it comes to dentists.  We want him to have a healthy  relationship with his teeth.  So that was why we brought him to visit his dentist at relatively a very young age.  Not so long after his first birthday and we will visit his dentist again very soon.

So what is your relationship with your dentist?

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16 tanggapan untuk “Going to a Dentist”

Sejak di Situbondo aku rajin banget pergi ke dokter Gigi. Sejak kecil dikeluarga, bapak sama ibuk selalu bawa anak2nya ke dokter gigi setahun sekali. Ga ada masalah apapun sih, ya cuman cek gigi aja. Trus pas sudah kerja, makin rajin, karena kan ke dokter gigi diganti kantor uangnya. per 6 bulan sekali bersihkan karang gigi. Aslinya aku takut dengan alat2 mereka yang tajem2 itu. Tapi ya gimana lagi, kalo gigi cantik tak bermasalah kan orang jadi kebayang2 terus sama senyum kita *halaahh lebay nemen haha. Dokter Gigiku yang di Belanda sini dong gaul gilak orangnya. Aku sudah 3 kali kunjungan. Disetiap kunjungan selalu nanya “mau dengar lagu apa?” kunjungan pertama aku minta Bon Jovi, kunjungan kedua minta Robbie Williams, terakhir lagu2nya Maroon 5. Keren yaa haha dia selalu punya lho lagu2 mereka *curiga sak umuran iki :))) jadi didalam ruangan selama satu jam ga berasa menakutkan, rileks gitu.

Deeeeen. Reaepnya apaaa kok ya iso rajin men ke dokter gigi? Apakah yang kualami ini hanya trauma masa lalu? *halah
Etapi kalo ada dokter gigi gahul segaul doktermu kayaknya aku yo iso tenang deh ya.


Dulu sih aku seneng malah ke dokter gigi yaa karena dokternya baiiiiik banet dan telaten. Pasang kawat juga sempet sama dokte yang berbeda dan ok ok aja. Sampai tiba disini ke dokter gigi ini haduuuuh menguras dompet banget lah. Disini terkenal dokter gigi itu dokter dengan bayaran paling mahal. Jadi kalau mau ke dokter siapkan obat penenang pada saat mau bayar, daripada jantungan ntar liat billnya :p

Kayaknya gw mbayangin jistru billnya itu yang bisa bikin tenang. Tenang karena pingsan lihatnya. Ish kok bisa siiih seneng ke dokter gigiii.. Gimana caranyaa..


I’m a grown up now but yet I’m still scared as hell to get a dentist examination –> so true, so me, hahaha..
I don’t know why, but going to dentist will always be the most frightening and infuriating things in my life, LOL. So sad to say that but that’s the truth. Padahal dentistnya adalah paman dan tantenya si mama yang sudah saya kenal baik, tapi kog ya selalu nakutin. Pernah satu kejadian, saya sampai tiga kali keluar masuk ruang prakteknya dan minta pulang sambil rengek-rengek. Waktu itu sudah kelas 3 SMA, hahaha..
Semoga A tidak setakut kita berdua ya mas 😀

Kalo sekarang saya sedang semacam memperbaiki hubungan dengan dokter gigi. Terakhir ke sana ditambal enam! Duh, gak kebayang kalo telat bisa2 mesti perawatan saluran akar yg sakit banget itu hiks. So from now on, for the sake of being a good role model for the child, I need to fix things. Including this dental health habit haha

Aku masih harus ke Drg nih Dan, ngebenerin gigi yang retak kemaren tapi emang males banget ya hehe. Belon punya hubungan yang gimana2 bgt ama Drg di Medan sih, kayaknya masih nyari2 yang paling pas

Dan, berarti gue aneh ya. Soale gue hobi lho ke dokter gigi. Meski deg-degan apalagi kalo kudu tambal or scaling, tapi rasanya hepi2 aja gitu. Duduk di kursi dokginya pun fun abis menurut gue. Apalagi pas udah kelar, rasanya pede 1000% untuk senyum selebar mungkin 😀

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