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EF#20 Relationship Effect

speaking of relationship effect to my school or work, apparently I didn’t believe that having a relationship with a school friend would boost your spirit or would do any good. 😀 It just would not work for me.

in a museum

A very late answer to BEC 20th challenge, how a relationship affect your school or work?

When I typed the challenge, I recalled how I saw my friends who said they were in a relationship with my other friends. It was disbeliefs and a bit of laugh.

Why did I seem to mock them at the time?

Well many of them if I couldn’t say all, said that being in a relationship with someone gave them somekind of mood bost. They got additional motivation by doing so. Thinking about their girlfriend/boyfriend would boost their morning mood they said. But I never got the hang of it. I saw it was funny.

I understand that people are entitled for their own thinking, so do I. 😀

At that time I thought that If you like your school days a bit more, it would be just enough motivation for you to go to school every morning. Thinking about I would get to know how an equation works was the only reason I needed.

Having a relationship with other students was just bothersome to me. Haha. It was fun to learn and to play, socialized with others in an extracullicular activity or working on assigment from teachers but not in a way so that I had to call someone my girlfriend.

Well, didn’t I get any hormonal attack and felt any attraction towards my beatiful girl friends? Sure I did. I had this one huge great big crush. I fell for this one particular girl but then again, I didn’t see any use of it and moreover, I had to compete to a boy with a super cool motorcycle while I only had my bike. Haha.

What about office romance?

Well, I know people who have this office romance and work out just great but that is just not my cup of tea. :D. This post is what I think about how a relationship affects professional life. School is a part of our professional life right? 😀

I don’t think I have the right to ask you all how do you think about it. I guess I just have to read about your post submissions. 😀

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8 tanggapan untuk “EF#20 Relationship Effect”

Hahaha, as much as it is good to separate personal and professional lives, I do think there are instances where people have to mix them up, because they are human. And I think it is completely okay because professional life is actually a product that human being creates while there are a lot of factors influencing one’s personal life which one cannot really control (hormone, genes, etc). Hence IMO they are not mutually independent. But of course one still needs to try their best to not let one affects the other. At least to keep the effect to the minimum

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