
I Need to be Consistent

My answer for BEC 16.1 challenge, the word, my word for 2016. Want to know? Read out and share yours too!

While it is still Friday, let me post this short post. My answer to BEC’s 1st week of 2016 challenge. My word for this year is consistent.

After last year I picked learn as my word of the year (read my post about the word for 2015 as my first ever answer to BEC challenge), this year I decided to choose consistent. Well, actually I was divided between two words. It was hard to me to pick between consistent and execute.

After learning about so many things last year I was wondering how this year is going to be.

Did I hold back on too many things or did I lack on consistency? But then I realized that I did just what I need to do. What I need now is to be more consistent, or at least that was what I think.

So, now I’m ready to roll! What is your word?

14 tanggapan untuk “I Need to be Consistent”

dani konsisten, gw disiplin, semoga benar2 terealisasi ya dan, gw mulai kursus english bulan feb, salah satu resolusi yg gw laksanain tahun ini tapi direncanain sejak tahun depan, kudu disiplin supaya gak mubazir

Consistency is supreme; this is also what I need to manage to have. It’s easy to do something at the beginning but turns out to be challenging later on when we have so many things to do and lack consistency.

Thanks for reminding me, Mas Dani. 😀

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