Fragment Fun Rants

[EF] #1 Learn!

Creativity Cup

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you live forever.
– Mahatma Gandhi

You may recall my earlier post about Blog English Club (BEC) earlier this year which in the post I (well along with Nita and Mas Ryan) challenge you to post your word for 2015. I (well of course) join the challenge. What is your word for 2015 is challenge for this week and there will be different topics for the next weeks. Feel free to join the challenge if you feel that the topic suits you. 🙂

So If i were asked to choose one word to describe 2015 it will be LEARN!

After so many things happened last year, there was a period of time that I felt very comfortable and didn’t get any urge to do anything different. A super comfort zone area. Only for a month or two I was like just totally let everything just the way it was. Luckily I realized that I wouldn’t go anywhere, nowhere near condition I dreamed of earlier in 2014. I started to change and made little changes here and there.

I started to change and realized that there were so many things I could and needed to do and closed last year (in blogging part of my life) with a 31 days writing challenge and turned out it was one of the best decision I made. BEC was then formed thanks to Nita’s challenge and Mas Ryan’s terrific idea. Here I am now, posting the first challenge of BEC.

I choose learn to be my grand theme for the year since there are so many things I want to know and to improve. About life in general, relationship, parenting, work and blogging. I’m curious enough to find out what will happen if I do or don’t do things. I see so many room for improvement in my life if only I’m willing to learn to do certain things.

For instance, in terms of interaction with others, I’m the type of person that a bit cynical and question other’s motive. This of course taken its toll on me as I’m unable to connect with people easily despite my work background as a relationship manager. Thus I want to learn to minimize (since I can’t say eliminate) my prejudice. It’s hard by I’m working on it and this pays me well. I just met a (apparently) senior Blogger that happens to be handling a big corporate accounts. He invited me over and we had a nice chit chat yesterday. Out of nowhere he just handed out vouchers to dine in a relatively expensive Japanese restaurant and without any obligation to do anything. The most important thing is that I get to know him.

That is for one thing. Hopefully with the spirit of learning I can improve many areas of my life. So I’m thrilled and can’t wait to learn what this year has to offer. Hopefully by the end of this year I can be a richer person inside. I can get some new knowledge that I can share that will help myself and hopefully others. So this year I will open my eyes, ears and my mind to learn as much as God let me.

That’s my word for 2015 and I’m sure that yours just as exciting as mine. Would you mind to share and join the challenge?
PS: Topic challenge for next week will be what is your best book you read last year? (since there’s a request to change the topic, the challenge may change to new topic agreed by the members).

79 tanggapan untuk “[EF] #1 Learn!”

I read this post slowly. Try to understand. And I found that my English is too bad.

Personal development is a life-long motto for me. It requires a lot of hard work but very fulfilling. Let’s learn together Dan! Thank you for always sharing your knowledge with me *hugs*

It is a very brilliant idea Dan.., I think I should join too, I don’t have many opportunities to speak or write in English, let’s see if my post will be published or just stay in the draft
then I should send links to the 3 of you?

Learning is fun although sometimes painful… But I know you can do it mas Dani, you can do it for your family 🙂
I salute you for being an inspiring person to others…
Keep learning till the end!!!!

[…] to join Blog English Club, you can find more information regarding this club through Ryan, Nita and Dani‘s […]

“Lie as if you were to die tomorrow” >> Lie? Is that a typo? 😀
Hoping you will find this year as the best of the many moments in your life 🙂

Learn because there are many things you want to improve and know. Good job Dani.
I found a minor grammar mistake here I just met a (apparently) senior Blogger that happens to be handling a big corporate accounts. .
You should write I just met a (apparently) senior Blogger WHO happens to be handling a big corporate accounts.. The connecting word is who instead of that, because the blogger is a person. Furthermore the post is impeccable!

Aha!. Many-many-many thanks Mba Yo!. I see. I’m so used to it, using that whenever I want to explain something. Will remember it and try not to make the very same mistake agaian. 🙂

Just realized tht I took the same word for this ef 😐 couldnt say anything else 😐
huwaaaaa malunyaaaaaaaaaa :'(((((((((((((((((

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