Blogging Things

What I Learned from Two Weeks Off

Hi, you all there. How’re you? It has been two weeks since my last post. Well, it was only a repurposed post about Risk Profile Checking. Yeah I know, such a commitment in the end 2016 that I made. Wanted to lower my blog’s bounce rate to be around 75%! Yet, I didn’t post anything […]


You Should Go to A Cinema For These Reasons!

You should go to a cinema for these reasons despite there are many reasons not to. A must see movie is to good to be passed on just as is.

English Rants

Will You Bare It All?

Yeah, I’m the one posted the 16.7 challenge for English Friday today. The topic has been nagging at the back of my mind for quite some time. About honesty when it comes to your blog. With vibrant blogging atmosphere nowadays in Indonesia, there are so many bloggers updating their blogs daily. Every each one of them […]

Blogging Things English

Managing My Online Presence

Managing my online presence. This is actually answering BEC challenge today. Yes, this post is in English, if you want to read it in Indonesian, just click the translate button on the bottom right side of the screen and choose Indonesian flag image. Hopefully, you will not get a confusing translation 😀 Mbak Yo suggested […]

English Perencanaan Keuangan

Three Simple Things for Your Healthy Financial Life

Answering BEC Challenge, I write these three little and simple things to get a healthy life. Have you done one of them?


I Need to be Consistent

My answer for BEC 16.1 challenge, the word, my word for 2016. Want to know? Read out and share yours too!

English Rants

Hey You! This is A Note For You!

Want to know what I would write for 10-years-older me in the future? Check this out! 🙂

English Fragment

Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English

With the title “Why English Friday Blog is Good for Learning English”,  you must already know that I want to promote Blog English Club from the title of this post right?  Hihihi.  *biggest grin* If you just started to learn English,  or decide that you want to improve your English skill especially in writings,  you […]

English Fragment

EF#31 Entertainers Aren't Overpaid, Are They?

Entertainers aren’t overpaid compared to other profession given the economic scale they can generate. What do you think?

Fragment Office Life Rants

What to Do When You're Stuck in Jakarta's Traffic

This 5 things in what to do when you’re stuck in Jakarta’s traffic will help you going through one of the heaviest traffic in the country

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