Blogging Things Fragment

Taking Turns with Fun Blogging

Fun Blogging is a blogging Indonesian Community. I was lucky to joined its 4th workshop. Have you joined one of its workshops?

It was a short message from Mbak Pipit, informed about the 4th Fun Blogging Workshop. It didn’t take long for me to send a registration email.

Voila! I was one the 4th Fun Blogging participants.

At first I didn’t have any idea what Fun Blogging was. All I knew was the groups is a closed group for participants of Fun Blogging workshops. It is a series of workshop for bloggers with main focus how to blog better and in turns monetize your online home. In the long run if you really have the intention, the workshop even meant to guide you to make blogging as a profession.

I knew only vaguely about Mbak Ani, Mbak Haya and Mbak Shinta prior Fun Blogging 4 Workshop. Well, I read their blog occasionally without even dared to comment. They are such a blog gurus and superstars aren’t they?

Then, I attended the workshop on April 11, 2015. It was a super fun day and at that moment, Excite Indonesia and Blue Bird Taxi were the sponsors. Lucky me, I am the frequent user of the taxi and ist mobile application. 😛

Since the topics of the workshop were so interesting, I ask tons of questions and in the end I was one of the most active participants and awarded something along with Blue Bird vouchers! 😀

After the workshops I joined the competition with Blue Bird as its main sponsors and my post about Blue Bird mobile app reservation came out as one of the winners! Unfortunately I didn’t join the Excite Indonesia competition as there was errors with the application until the end of the blogging competitions.

Foolishly I didn’t write anything about the workshop since the message was clear that I shouldn’t share what I learned publicly. 😛 I took it wrongly though. 😀

But since then, it was clear to me that Blogging is not only about telling your story. It much more than that if you want it to. There’s networking, blog monetizing, make blogging as a profession but the very basic one, technique. That I didn’t know back then, or at least didn’t know as much.

Through Fun Blogging, I learned about how to network, open my relatively closed circuit fo blogger friends and start joining competition, product launch invitations and many other things in blogging.

It is a great place and community for its members to grow their blogging habit.

Room for improvement for Fun Blogging is on the learning side. As someone who is craving with knowledge (for this matter blogging knowledge), learning materials from its mentors is already abundant, but as greedy as I can be share to us more about it. Especially the tidbits about blogging techniques as my own blog still have zillion things to fix.

Other than that, all the three mentors already and have been doing a great-great work. Love to learn from the group and community. Love to know more people in this blogging world.

Happy birthday to Fun Blogging and wish you great and wonderful years to come!

My other blog-related posts:
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21 tanggapan untuk “Taking Turns with Fun Blogging”

Happy bday fun blogging! I loove these three gurus. They are so generous in sharing stories as well as opportunities.
And anyway, I’ve been secretly adoring those Mba Shintaries’ white heels in the picture. Hahhaha

Waaaa mas dani angkatan 4? Aku angkatan 1 dong hahahahaha ini merupakan acara blogging pertama yg aku ikuti sejak punya blog. Bener2 banyak pelajarannya. Bahkan aku tahu alexa itu apa pas ikut fun blogging. LOL
Insightful banget. Eye-opener bahwa blogging itu more than just telling stories 🙂

thanks for funblogging… somehow because fun blogging we know each other more personally.
funblogging bring positive value, positive conecting and postive friendship
hope this experience and relation could stay for another years…. and another years.

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