
You Should Go to A Cinema For These Reasons!

You should go to a cinema for these reasons despite there are many reasons not to. A must see movie is to good to be passed on just as is.

English Fragment

EF#31 Entertainers Aren't Overpaid, Are They?

Entertainers aren’t overpaid compared to other profession given the economic scale they can generate. What do you think?

English Fragment

No Regret

If I was asked what was my regret, I would say my major in college. I wish I had chosen art instead of Informatics Engineering. But now, my gratitude is even bigger than my regret. I’m living a wonderful life!

English Fragment

EF#29 Little Missy and English

I learned English partly is because of Little Missy telenovela. This is the story about Little Missy and English. Somehow, though at first it was full of rage, but now it become one of my fond memories about learning English.


[EF#14] She Was My Heroine

My childhood was full of wonderful memories and one of them is cartoon! BEC’s challenge theme for this month is all about childhood memories and this week they ask about my favorite cartoon character. Definitely it was Rei Hino or Sailor Mars from Sailor Moon series. What about yours?

Try Out

[EF#12] Getting Here and There

Commuting in Jakarta and its nearby area is somewhat challenging. However, we need to do what we gotta do right? How about you?


[EF#11] My Outfit Of The Day (from last year)

A narcistic post I believe. Answering BEC’s week 11 challenge to share my outfit of the day. Here you will find me and my pink shirt! 😀 Mind to share yours?


[EF#10] I Can't Resist Pecel

Pecel is definitely my favorite. Many said that this is a Javanese version of Salad. I can never resist the temptation to at least try Pecel whenever I find it. This week 10 of English Friday challenge theme is about our favorite food. What about you? What is yours?


[EF#8] Dear Younger Me

A letter to yourself. A younger you to be exact with 10 years time span. What will you write? For me? Not much. A very short letter indeed. Maybe even the shortest post so far.

Kopi Darat

Beneran Jadi Meet-Up!

Setelah tumbang, Sabtu ini akhinya bisa juga nengokin tempat bakal dilaksanakannya meet up pertama BEC tahun ini. Komunitas yang luar biasa, dengan usia baru sebulan, antusiasme yang ditunjukin sama anggota bikin admin semangat ngadain meet-up! Gak tanggung-tanggung, ngundang Mba Ollie, co-founder NulisBuku.com untuk sharing tentang how to blog in English confidently. Sekalian nengokin dan persiapan acara, sekalian kopdaran dong! 😀

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