Di Balik Blog Vacation

Life, Recently

Been a while since the last time I wrote a post. What was that? Aaqil’s first word right eh?

Then all so sudden I just wanted to have some time away from blog. Not only write a post but also reading updates from you friends. Time flies and now, more than a month away I didn’t touch my dash.

If you asked me what happened like some of you did (thanks for asking to you 🙂 ), I just don’t know what happened. Just wanted to have sometime alone. Wasn’t there anything happened interesting enough to post? Oh in fact there were so many of them. Just didn’t get the push to write. That’s all.

Aaqil’s caught a fever in about the same time when one of my friends’ 4 months old daughter passed away that frighten me as hell at that time. Then he developed some new skills such as asked for our foods and ate them as if he were already a big boy. Getting of our bed so easily now so that we have to keep an eye on him even more now. And yeah dancing everytime he listens music plays.

Me and Bul? We’re doing great. We regularly watched Suze Orman show and though watching it kinda depressing but it brings so many good things for our financial awareness. Thanks to ipad, podcast and to CNBC’s free podcast episodes of their Suze Orman show. If you’re an apple device owner and you are subscribing to data plan that big enough you don’t know what to download, just download Suze Orman show from your podcast. Totally free and its great to watch. So many knowledge in it.

Job? Just great with so many new deals coming in. But never interested to write about work here. You know.. Yeah..

What else then? Well, there are so many things happened but onething for sure. I miss writing here. I miss blogging. I miss you. My friends.

Hopefully I can write more with more honest writing and more regularly.

Why I write in english? Oh did I?

Lastly, pardon my grammar and mistyping. If you have suggestions regarding technical aspect of the writing feel free to comments. 🙂

67 tanggapan untuk “Life, Recently”

udah dapat..translate-nya..:)
hmm yah kadang akupun juga begitu…ada waktu dimana berbulan bulan aku nggak posting dan nggak BW…tapi entah kenapa jatoh jatonya aku tetap kangen blogging…entahlah aku merasa bisa jujur lewat blog ini…mengungkapkan banyak hal…syukurlah Aaqil sehat, dan semua baik baik saja..

alhamdulilah udah ditranslate..gawe opo?? rahasia..:) yang pasti welcome back…kadang aku juga gitu..berbulan bulang males nulis atau blogging…tapi asli berikutnya begitu kangen balik ngeblog…dan itu membuat lega…lewat blog ..jadi diri sendiri apa adanya…kadang memang kesendirian itu juga perlu…syukurlah Aaqiil sehat sehat begitu juga dengan Bul..keep spirit

And then take your time, Dan.
Sometime, we need time to be alone. Without being asked. *ohyeah, maybe it’s just me :p*
But we will wait whenever you are ready to come back. *puk-puk*
Anyway, Welcome back to blogging-world!

I think every writter … blogger …
have a “hiatus” periods …
a periods to make a reflection and or kinda contemplation …

So … take your time

Shakehand Me …
(i.e salam saya)(hahaha)

at last…. finally, the master is back… yay…
kayaknya gak ada yang salah ketik deh. malah enak banget bacanya. sepertinya lancar sekali tuh. jadi iri.com
Aaqil dah sehat belum? ditunggu lanjutan2 blog-nya.

Aku kemarin-kemarin sempet mau watsapp Bang Dani hahaha untuk nanya apa kabar…tapi ditahan karena ya…mungkin karena memang lagi gak bisa posting 🙂
So yeah…welcome back Bang 🙂

Heheheh iya dech ntar diwatsapp kalo Bang Dani menghilang lagi.

Aku kangen sama Bang Dani dengan bahasa rempi ala ibu-ibu itu lhoooooooo 😛

Dan……post mu yang ini…..aura kebapak’annya kental banget *yang kemaren buibu gitu tah Luk?* wkwkwkwk…..ya maaf, tapi emang terasa beda kok!

selamat ngeblog kembali…..

Parahan aku dan…beberapa bulan ga updet.

Iya, kadang ada masa ga pengen posting apa2 padahal yg pengen diceritain byk.

Welcome dani…;)

pas ultahku neh
wakakakaka pantesan jarang baca postinganya lagi
apapun itu kita disini sudah saudara meskipun tak pernah terlihat nyata

wish u all the best mas 🙂
dan aku pernah mengalami hal yang engkau alami 🙂
its natural

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