
Eensey Weensey Spider

The eensey weensey spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain. Then the eensey weensey spider went up the spout again. Postingan singkat aja. Gw lagi seneng banget ama lagu anak-anak yang ini. Dari liriknya si lagu ini […]



Ngerti nggedabrus gak rek? Lek gak ngerti yo golek o kamus kono lho! *lah kok kereng… Arep ngomongke opo sih iki? Sakjane munu arep ngomongno wong sing kakehan omong, kakehan cangkem alias nggedabrus. Hahaha. Mugo-mugo ae aku iki gak termasuk golongane wong nggedabrus yo. Kerjo nang bank opomaneh bank swasta sing penting banget jenenge menjual […]

A's Milestones Being a Father Fragment Keluarga

[A’s Chitchat] Co-Piloting My Old Man

Driving with toddler is so much fun as long as you know the tricks. 🙂


I Like My Coffee Black

Never thought that I will ever be able to love coffee. Bapak penggemar berat kopi di mana sepanjang gw bisa mengingat, setiap sore beliau selalu minta dibuatkan kopi sepulang dari kantor sebelum narik angkot. Air harus mendidih, syarat utama membuat kopi buat bapak. Penampilan kopi yang item dan (dulu) berampas bikin gw males banget minum […]

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